As soon as I saw this conversion:

I immediately wanted to make something similar as I didn't like how GW's base size was so big. I also didn't like that his sleigh made him a combat monster, so I made house rules for Radagast's sleigh. One of the house rules included a way to kill all three bunnies before the sleigh stopped working. This rule may affect the way I make my own Radagast's sleigh. I have positioned the bunnies in 3 different ways and I want you guys to tell me what you think is the best way it will look. Please note that the bunnies are not finished yet.
This one has all the rabbits and Radagast share the same base. This will look better overall since I can attach the reigns to the rabbits but is it too crammed on the base?

This one looks more like the movie but it won't have the reigns attaching all the rabbits to the sleigh. However, since they are all on their separate bases, it means that every time a rabbit dies, I can remove one. This makes it more modular and game friendly.

This one gets some benefits from both. I can have reigns from the sleigh that stick out and kind of touch the rabbits, but I can still remove them if they die.

Which one do you think is best? Or do you have other ideas? Please let me know, thanks!