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 Post subject: A personal opinion
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:44 am 
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I really hope this is the right place to post this :)

So every year i have been buying miniatures from the UK store as there are no any other GW stores where i live (island in greece ).
I have been collecting for over 7 years now and been spending over 500 euros every year on miniatures (a vast collenction so far :D ) so 7 X500 ? thats kinda of a lot of money.

A few days ago i mastered my savings and went to shop online again from GW, but with the prices so high lately i ended up with half what i wanted to a total of 300 euros... so i just send GW UK a mail asking for a better price so i can shop more ( of course it was a very polite one and encouriging :) )
But got rejected instatly, and here comes my dissapointment to GW,after beeing a good customer for so many years

Here i would like your personal opinion, what would you do in my place? get on with it? just reduce orders? no shop at all (and find other sources like ebay/trading ect ect)
its more like i want to hear other peoples thoughts right now

sorry for my bad english
thanks everyone in advnace :)

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 Post subject: Re: A personal opinion
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:27 pm 
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I'll avoid complaining about GW prices in this response, as it is not tolerated here, and also, we can't change them, so there is no point. I'll give my opinions on what I think is the best purchasing strategy though.

If you have the money, then most definitely I would say buy from GW. It means that you will be giving them direct sales in the lotr/hobbit range, and thus they will hopefully give it more support. Also, buying direct from them means if any products are defective (such as first generation finecast), it is easy to sort out.

If you don't want to do that, ebay is your best bet I think for metal models (and basically your only bet for oop models, and there is unfortunately a lot of them). However, even though you can get troops from ebay sometimes with good auctions, I personally prefer to get them from GW BNIB, as I like assembling armies myself prior to painting (most troops on ebay are already assembled, but if that doesnt bother you, fire away).

One thing I've noticed though, is that boxes such as the Winged Nazgul don't appear on ebay too often, and even if they do, they actually tend to cost more than buying direct from GW, so I tend to get all boxsets like that direct.

Of course, it also depends on what you want to buy. I am a collector rather than a gamer, so armies don't come into it really for me, instead I am trying to acquire one model of each pose. In that regard, I prioritise the lesser-bought models that GW currently stock, such as Gandalf and Cart, as these are most likely to go oop soon, and since they aren't too popular, won't really appear on ebay.

So, basically, my purchasing strategy is direct from GW first for all the stuff they currently stock, prioritising the not-so-popular models first, then once I have them bought up, its off to ebay to try pick up the older metals.

Hope some of that helps :)

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 Post subject: Re: A personal opinion
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:51 pm 
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Your statements are nice and helpfull. I do agree that buying directly from GW is also supporting their sales.
About the prices its not only GW but the whole market going up so atleast i wont blame them much, i can live with that and get on.

What dissapointed me was the one sentence rejection on their mail, its about not valueing their customers that much. After so many orders you can do so much for a customer without loosing profit yourself (and i know that becuase i am a buisnessman myself) even a free shipping or the most unwanted and cheap blister as present can keep a customer happy.

still i made this topic not to complain or start arguments, just to see some opinions like yours , witch im thankful :)

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 Post subject: Re: A personal opinion
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:24 pm 
Elven Elder
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As a customer of the LOTR line since its original release I've seen price increase after price increase. I've spoken with various GW employees and I understand why they are doing it. The business strategy has been debated countless times here and elsewhere so I won't open that can of worms again.

Anyways back to topic, my purchasing of GW products has severely declined, not because I dislike them but at the price-point I cannot afford to purchase as often. But I do prioritize. Metals that are likely to be OOP soon are tops on my list, which is why my most recent purchase had only 1 Hobbit Range model in it.

I do recommend still supporting the range, if you enjoy the products. Just adjust and understand you're getting less bang for your buck and perhaps find other companies who charge less for games that you also enjoy that you can purchase more often from. For myself this has been Warlord and Mantic with their Bolt Action and Dreadball (AMAZING GAME) respectively.

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 Post subject: Re: A personal opinion
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:20 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I see your point on the value of customers, and I agree with you. However, not every company sees customers the same way, no matter what sector of business you are in. GW has good service replacing models, but apart from that I would say they are mostly like any other company. They could do more in my opinion to keep us happy, but they would lose money, so they don't even want to go there, just like many other companies.

If you still enjoy collecting the game, do so, just like I am. I would suggest getting the older products first though, as they will not be around forever. Keep buying the things you like or really want new from GW, but as for troops I would generally say to go to another market to save money.

Being from Australia where everything costs 2x the US price, even with our almost even dollar value, i understand it is tough. There does come a point where you have to split where you buy from though.

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