The One Ring

Help stem the madness!
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Author:  JamesR [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Help stem the madness!

So as I posted earlier this week, I have an upcoming game tomorrow. I was planning on taking my Dwarves to ally with my friend's Elves and to defeat evil. But now I'm leaning away from it. I'm considering a Gondor force lead by Boromir of Awesomeness.

My planned list it's Boromir, a captain, some fountain guard, rangers, knights and Warriors of MT. Eowyn Mounted with some Rohan foot- sloggers ( as I have no Rohan cavalry atm).

Anyways, I need someone to give me the proverbial slap across the face to bring me to my senses

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help stem the madness!

My "Planned" list is

Warband 1
Boromir CWT
6x Fountain Guard with Shield
5x Warriors of MT with Shield
1x Warrior of MT with Banner and shield

Warband 2
Captain of MT
12x Rangers of Gondor

Warband 3
8x Citadel Guard with Spear
4x Knights of MT with shield

Warband 4 (Allied from RO-han)
Eowyn with Armor, shield, and horse
12 Foot-sloggers of Rohan (5 with throwing spears)

Author:  halauas [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help stem the madness!

its good, boromir is an awsome hero, denethor is also good (even with his rule he has decent courage to be at your favour)

only thing i would change is to :
drop banner
drop eowyn
set your captain on horse to lead your cavalry
grap grimbold
uptade rohirim to helmingas and you have some smashy str 4 troops also

Author:  Dorthonion [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help stem the madness!

No! No! Stay mad!

Author:  JamesR [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help stem the madness!

So in the end my Wife stemmed the madness and convinced me to take my Dwarves. We ended up playing a 700 Point battle (2 v 2 so 1400 per side) where my opponents were gracious enough to allow Murin and Drar to lead seperate Warbands as they're my two favorite units.
Drar challenged Legolas to a killing competition, much as Gimli did at Helms Deep. Each only killed 1 enemy with Drar killing the Balrog (he inflicted 7 of the 10 wounds, including the final blow) and Leggy killed the Spider Queen, However as Leggy was killed again by Durburz (who kills him every game they're both in) Drar got the nod lol.
but they were both outshine by the King's Champion who personally killed about 14 enemies including Durburz, to avenge Leggy

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help stem the madness!

King's Champion is a solid choice. Glad to hear things worked out for you!

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