Hallo fellow OneRing members,
We are conducting a research on partner and friend selection: quantification of criteria of selection, desirability of virility on prospective friends, etc, etc.
Unfortunately we need 7 more male participants to fill in the survey. It literally takes between 3 and 5 minutes, and your participation would be genuinely appreciated. Needless to say that the survey is completely anonymous, and bears no dangers for the participants; no personal information will be shared and only the inputted responses will be used.
Here is the link for whoever is interested; once you have completed it simply click "Done" and that's it

https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9H5GDPC (In the 2nd and last section there is an "Unsure" option, which also stands for "Not a criterion of selection".
Once again, thank you so much for your participation

Edit: We've met our goal

. Thanks to everyone who participated.