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Dragonlance SBG |
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Author: | Elessar Telcontar [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Dragonlance SBG |
A bit unsure where to post this: SBG profiles for creatures and characters from the Dragonlance world! ![]() Please post your opinion and/or some criticism. EDIT: I will greatly appreciate some help with the points values and magic. Human Peasant M:6|F:2/5+|S:3|D:3|A:1|W:1|C:2 Man, Infantry, 3 points Wargear A Human Peasant has a hand weapon of some sort, such as a knife or an improvised club. Options Exchange hand weapon for two-handed weapon: Free _ _ _ Solamnic Squire M:6|F:2/5+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:1|C:3 Man, Infantry, 5 points Wargear A Solamnic Squire wears armour and carries a simple sword. Options Shield: 1 point Bow: 1 point Spear: 1 point _ _ _ Knight of the Crown M:6|F:3/4+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:1|C:3 Man, Infantry, 6 points Wargear A Knight of the Crown wields a sword and wears armour. Options War horn: 20 points Banner: 25 points Shield: 1 point Spear: 1 point _ _ _ Knight of the Sword M:6|F:4/4+|S:3|D:5|A:1|W:1|C:4 Man, Infantry, 9 points Wargear A Knight of the Sword wears heavy armour and carries a finely crafted sword. Options War horn: 20 points Banner: 25 points Shield: 1 point Horse: 6 points Lance: 1 point _ _ _ Knight of the Rose M:6|F:4/4+|S:4|D:6|A:2|W:2|C:4 Man Hero, Infantry, 55 points 2 Might, 2 Will, 1 Fate Wargear A Knight of the Rose wields a finely crafted sword and wears heavy armour. Options Shield: 5 points Horse: 10 points Lance: 5 points Magical Powers Kiri-Jolith’s Healing. 4+, 6”. A single frindly Hero within range regains a lost Wound. A model may use this power even if he is in a fight, but if so only on a Hero in base contact. _ _ _ More will follow! |
Author: | Elessar Telcontar [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dragonlance SBG |
30 people with no opinions? Anyway, some more profiles. Forest Bandit M:6|F:3/4+|S:3|D:3|A:1|W:1|C:2 Man, Infantry, 4 points Wargear A Forest Bandit carries a club or a short sword. Options Armour: 1 point Bow: 1 point Spear: 1 point _ _ _ Bandit Captain M:6|F:4/4+|S:4|D:5|A:2|W:2|C:3 Man Hero, Infantry, 40 points 2 Might, 1 Will, 0 Fate Wargear A Bandit Captain wears armour and wields a (probably stolen) sword. Options Bow: 5 points Horse: 10 points Special Rules Ambusher. Bandit Captains live by hiding and then attacking trespassers when they least expect it. Models with this rule may use Might to modify the priority roll, but each model may only use 1 point of Might for this each turn. _ _ _ Warrior of Neraka M:6|F:3/4|S:3|D:3|A:1|W:1|C:2 Man, Infantry, 4 points Wargear A Warrior of Neraka carries a sword or other hand weapon. Options Armour: 1 point Shield: 1 point Spear: 1 point Bow: 1 point _ _ _ Knight of the Lily M:6|F:4/4+|S:3|D:5|A:1|W:1|C:3 Man, Infantry, 8 points Wargear A Knight of the Lily wears heavy armour and wields a sword. Options Shield: 1 point Spear: 1 point Two-handed sword: 1 point Horse: 6 points _ _ _ Knight Officer of the Lily M:6|F:4/4+|S:4|D:6|A:2|W:2|C:4 Man Hero, Infantry, 50 points 2 Might, 1 Will, 1 Fate Wargear A Knight Officer of the Lily wears heavy armour and has a finely crafted sword. Options Shield: 5 point Two-handed weapon: 5 points Horse: 10 points _ _ _ Ogre M:6|F:3/5+|S:4|D:5|A:1|W:1|C:3 Ogre, Infantry, 8 points Wargear An Ogre carries a heavy hand weapon but wears no armour, as its thick hide protects it from most attacks. Options War horn: 20 points Banner: 25 points Spear: 1 point Throwing spears: 2 points Two-handed weapon: 1 point Special Rules Enraged. Ogres burst with fury when the fight goes against them. If a model with this rule is in a fight where it would be trapped if it lost the fight, it adds +1 to its Fight value for that fight. _ _ _ Ogre Slaughterer M:6|F:4/5+|S:5|D:6|A:2|W:2|C:4 2 Might, 1 Will, 1 Fate, 55 points Ogre Hero, Infantry Wargear An Ogre Slaughterer wields a big axe or club. Options Armour: 5 points Two-handed weapon: 5 points Throwing spears: 5 points Special Rules Enraged. See Ogre for details. _ _ _ Skull Initiate M:6|F:3/4+|S:3|D:3|A:1|W:1|C:2 0 Might, 1 Will, 1 Fate Man Independent Hero, Infantry, ? points Wargear A Skull Initiate is unarmed. Options Staff (spear): 1 point Magical Powers Takhisis’ Healing. 4+, 6”. A single friendly Hero within range regains a lost Wound. A model may spend Wounds instead of (or in addition to) Will points to employ this power. A model can kill itself in this way. _ _ _ Knight of the Skull M:6|F:3/4+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:2|C:3 1 Might, 3 Will, 1 Fate Man Hero, Infantry, ? points Wargear A Knight of the Skull has a staff (spear) and wears a robe covered with protective runes. Magical Powers Takhisis’ Healing. See Skull Initiate. Power of Darkness. 4+, 3”. While this power is active, all friendly models within range have +1 Strength (to a maximum of 5). This power is active as long as the model who employed has Will point left. _ _ _ Knight of the Thorn M:6|F:3/4+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:2|C:3 1 Might, 3 Will, 1 Fate Man Hero, Infantry, ? points Wargear A Knight of the Thorn has a staff (spear) and wears a gray robe with protective magic. Special Rules All Three Moons. Knights of the Thorn can draw power from Solinari and Lunitari in addition to Nuitari. A model with this rule may re-roll rolls of 1 when employing magical powers. Each model may only do this once per turn and may not do it two turns on a row. Magical Powers Fire from the Abyss. 4+, 12”. A single enemy model within range is struck by dark fire and takes a Strength 5 hit. All models in base contact with the hit model takes a Strength 1 hit. Predict the Future. 2+, -“. The turn after the turn this power was employed, the priority roll may be modified (just like when modifying dice rolls with Might) by up to a number equal to the dice used to employ this power. _ _ _ EDIT: If any of you are unhappy because of the un-Tolkienism in this, then don't worry. I am not planning to play Solamnia against Mordor anything, I am just using the SBG system to make rules for a Dragonlance wargame. |
Author: | Elessar Telcontar [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dragonlance SBG |
Feel free to comment about just one or two profiles, you don't have to read it all. I'll also be happy with both fluff and rules comments, so no need to be a Dragonlance reader to say your opinion ![]() Some Elven Heroes: Elf Wildmaster M:8|F:5/3+|S:4|D:4|A:2|W:2|C:5 2 Might, 1 Will, 1 Fate Elf Hero, Infantry, 60 points Wargear An Elf Wildmaster has an elven sword. Options Elf bow: 5 points Throwing knives: 5 points Armour: 5 points Elven horse: 15 points Special Rules Woodland Creature. Unseen in the Woods. See Kagonesti Elf for details. _ _ _ Elven Guardmaster M:6|F:5/3+|S:4|D:6|A:2|W:2|C:4 2 Might, 1 Will, 1 Fate, 60 points Elf Hero, Infantry Wargear An Elven Guardmaster wields a finely crafted spear and wears heavy armour. Options Shield: 5 points Elf bow: 5 points Elven horse: 15 points Elven armoured horse: 20 points Special Rules Bodyguard (Elf). See Elf Royal Guard for details. An Elven Guardmasterr can not choose himself for this rule. Expert Rider. See main rules manual. _ _ _ Elf Enchanter M:6|F:3/3+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:2|C:4 1 Might, 3 Will, 1 Fate Elf Hero, Infantry, 45 points Wargear An Elf Enchanter has a staff (spear) and is protected by magic. Options Elven horse: 15 points Magical Powers Net of Roots. 3+, 12”. A single enemy model within range is entangled in a net of roots. For the rest of the turn, it is unable to move, employ magical powers and shoot. In addition, it is reduced to Fight 1 and is automatically trapped if it loses a fight. Grow Thorns. 3+, 6”. The Enchanter makes a thorny shrubbery grow with his nature magic. Place a shrubbery/bush/similar growth mounted on either a 25mm, 40mm or 60mm base within range. _ _ _ E´ri Priest M:6|F:3/3+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:1|C:4 1 Might, 3 Will, 1 Fate Elf Hero, Infantry, 50 points Wargear An E´ri Priest carries a staff (spear) and is protected by Paladin’s magic. Magical Powers Paladine’s Healing. 4+, 6”. A single friendly Hero within range regains a lost Wound and adds +1 Courage for the rest of the turn. Burst of Willpower. 3+, 6”. All friendly Heroes within range (including the model who employed this power) regains a spent/lost Will point as Paladine’s power flows through the air. _ _ _ |
Author: | whafrog [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dragonlance SBG |
Looks pretty interesting. I like the spells, though they might be too easy to cast. I don't know anything about Dragonlance, so don't really have an opinion on the rest. |
Author: | Elessar Telcontar [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dragonlance SBG |
Thanks for the response. I edited the casting value for some of the spells. |
Author: | Elessar Telcontar [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dragonlance SBG |
Alhana Starbreeze, Speaker of Stars M:6|F:4/3+|S:3|D:3|A:1|W:2|C:6 3 Might, 3 Will, 3 Fate Elf Hero, Infantry, 80 points Wargear Alhana is unarmed and has a starjewel. Options Armour: 5 points Spear: 1 point Elf bow: 5 points Elven horse: 15 points Special Rules Woodland Creature. Queen of Silvanesti. Alhana is the Speaker of the Stars and thus the ruler of Silvanesti. Her Stand Fast! range is 12” rather than 6”. Starjewel. This is a magical gem shining with a magical Elven light that can make creatures of Darkness uncomfortable. All enemy models within 6” of Alhana has -1 Courage. _ _ _ Alhana Starbreeze, Black Elf M:6|F:4/3+|S:3|D:4|A:1|W:2|C:6 2 Might, 3 Will, 2 Fate Elf Hero, Infantry, Wargear Alhana carries a sword and an Elf bow. Options Elven horse: 15 points Special Rules Woodland Creature. Starjewel. See Alhana Starbreeze, Speaker of Stars for details. Exiled Queen of Silvanesti. Alhana has been sent in exile for marrying a Qualinesti and only a few elven guards remain loyal to her. The range of her Stand Fast! and heroic moves is 12” rather than 6”, but Kirath Elves and Elf Royal Guards are the only Warriors that may benefit from them. Black Elf. Black Elves are not considered part of any Elven realm. Models with this rule may not benefit from the Heroic Actions of other Elf Heroes and vice versa. In addition, other Elf Heroes may not target models with this rule with magical powers. _ _ _ I have finally divided the models into lists: Solamnia, Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Thorbardin, Knights of Takhisis, Blöde and Warriors of the Wild. Solamnia: Human Peasant, Solamnic Squire, Knight of the Crown, Knight of the Sword, Knight of the Rose Silvanesti: Elf Commoner, Elf Royal Guard, Elf Wildmaster, Elf Guardmaster, Elf Enchanter, E'ri Priest, Elf Warrior, Kirath Elf, Alhana Starbreeze - Speaker of Stars, Alhana Starbreeze - Black Elf Qualineseti: Elf Commoner, Elf Royal Guard, Elf Guardmaster, Elf Enchanter, E'ri Priest, Elf Warrior Kagonesti: Kagonesti Elf, Kagonesti Bladewhirler, Elf Wildmaster, Elf Enchanted Thorbardin: Dwarf, Dwarf Soldier, Dwarf Commander Knights of Takhisis: Human Peasant, Warrior of Neraka, Knight of the Lily, Knight Officer of the Lily, Skull Initiate, Knight of the Skull, Knight of the Thorn, Goblin, Goblin Manslayer Blöde: Ogre, Ogre Slaughterer Warriors of the Wild: Forest Bandit, Bandit Captain, Goblin, Goblin Manslayer _ _ _ Do the profiles look balanceed to you? |
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