The One Ring

Stay a while and listen...
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Author:  polarbird2 [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Stay a while and listen...

Hey there fellow Wargamers! 8)
I have recently decided to start something new that isn't really related to wargaming, so I'm guessing posting it in the "Off Topic" part of the website is a good idea.
Anywhoo, YouTube. That's right, YouTube. I started making gameplay commentaries (kind of a big trend in the gaming world right now) however, I am having difficulties finding people to watch my videos and some people who do watch them say that I have potential. I don't know if they're just being nice or actually mean it. Someone suggested that trying to 'advertise' myself on a forum I frequently visit and am a rather active member on might be a good idea.
So here I stand before you, oh great Interwebz asking for you to spare a few mortals to watch my videos.

Thanks for checking this out

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