The One Ring

The Dark Knight Rises
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Author:  Red Corsairs [ Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  The Dark Knight Rises

As The Dark Knight was my favourite film, it only felt right to create this thread to discuss the final film of the trilogy. Notice I said it was my favourite film.

Before we start - DO NOT POST SPOILERS! - nobody wants a film ruined for them when reading what they expect to be short reviews and opinions of a film.

This film has had a ridiculous amount of hype, which I believe it's more than lived up to. I sympathized for Hardy, having to play the villain that followed Ledger's role as the Joker. But wow did he do an amazing job as Bane, top quality acting all round. The score too, was flipping fantastic. It really helped to make the film what it was. A lovely finish to the trilogy. It certainly exceeded my expectations (which were already bloody high) and has passed the Dark Knight in my ratings. I've just got back from seeing it and am still struggling to put into words just how highly I rate this film.

What were your thoughts?

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

My thoughts are maybe I should watch the trilogy :-D

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Shocking news about the gunman at the premiere in Colorado.

My thoughts are with the victims families.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I never watched the 1st one because it looked boring for a superhero film, but the second one had the Joker - one amazing villian so I watched it. Without him, I don't have high hope for the 3rd film wihich I haven't watched yet. The Avengers assemble was better than Batman 2 imo, so im not sure about it.

Agree with WhiteWizard too :)

Author:  Drumstick [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Went to see this film yesterday for a party and I really quite liked it. There's a big surprise near the end. .. really didn't expect that one coming.

Author:  MacGothmog [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Its a really good and solid movie, and a really nice end to Nolans trilogy. Really tough to beat The Dark Knight though.
Hardy is great as this version of Bane, really terrifying character in a very different way of Joker. Anne Hathaway just nails the character of Catwoman.

And then there's the end... everyone wants to see at least 2 more minutes of movie!

Author:  Sacrilege83 [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I liked it. Still thought Dark Knight was better. Highlights of this film are Bane and Catwoman. I knew Anne Hathaway was a good choice, some people think she's too innocent. She's an actress for cryin' out loud! And a terrific one at that. The Devil wears Prada skin tight black leather with high heel boots.

Author:  KnightyKnight [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Superb film no doubt, but I just can't rate it higher than the previous films.

Bane and Catwoman were great though, the latter surprisingly so (didn't have high hopes pre-release), and Blake's character brought a smile to my face.

Still trying to decide how it compares with Avengers though :D

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I really enjoyed it, like most of the people here. Bane was well done all around and a HUGE improvement from the joke he was in Batman and Robin! Selina Kyle (they never refer to her as Catwoman at all) was really well done and looked absolutely great in that outfit :wink:

Huge kudos to everyone on their roles, but even though his scenes were brief I thought Michael Caine as Alfred stole the movie. He added so much to the emotional realism of the movie. Don't worry, it isn't because he's dying like in previous Batman flicks. :)

Author:  Reto [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

awsome movie, best of the trilogie.

Author:  Jamros [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Here goes :)

Not to be a Negative Nancy, but I actually didn't like it...and I can't understand all the love for it. Hard to specify why without spoilers, but I felt it had an incoherent plot that did flow well with questionable, wasteful, and nonsensical actions by nearly every character, a poor choice in villains with a convoluted plan of action, not enough Batman, and overly implausible plot devices that destroyed my suspension of disbelief. It lacks the deep exploration of the human condition or human nature as the last film had and trades it for destruction and explosions. The movie hurt itself from the start with the premise it created and walked into. I also did not like Hathaway or Hardy in their respective performances. I think it was a fairly poor ending to the series, and a poor enough movie on its own right.

I give Batman Begins a 7, Dark Knight a 9.5, and Dark Knight Rises maybe a 4.

Author:  boromir_of_ithilien [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

MacGothmog wrote:
And then there's the end... everyone wants to see at least 2 more minutes of movie!

There are a lot of different explanations on the ending. Don't want to spoil anything though.
I still have to watch it again, probably on DVD, in case I missed any small but significant details in the ending.

Author:  Amarthadan [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm sorry for digging up this thread but I think Nolan's trilogy is worth it. Or is it? *dramatic music*

I agree for the most part with Jamros.

In general: Too many characters. Not enough bruce wayne in good shape. Too much light! Batman looks sort of terrifying in the dark, but in broad daylight he looks a little ridiculous. And the most important thing: Everything that made the Dark Knight stand out from the other superhero films was thrown overboard in favour of more explosions. And so many things in the plot worked out oh so conveniently. I strongly disliked the turn of events further at the end. The true ending left me with a good feeling though.


Batman: The joker said he and batman completed eachother and needed eachother. This movie has shown the truth behind that statement.

Catwoman: I loved Catwoman. I'd never expected to actually erh... admire Anne Hathaway's look. :P Fun character.

Bane: I spent 2,5 hours deciding on whether I liked or disliked his voice. I still don't know. I had a hard time 'believing' his motives. When the Joker shows his motives, you feel he's dangerous. Bane not so much.

Blake: Not good, not bad, just fine. :)

Morgan Freeman, Commisioner Gordon, and alot of others were sort of... wwell not needed in this story. Hence why I don't understand the adding of so many characters.

Marion Cottilard's character: Huge dislike. She's a charming actress and I love her in alot of other movies, but this wasn't good at all. I disliked her storyline too.

Alfred Pennyworth: Now here's the one guy that saved the movie. First time EVER I nearly cried because of a movie. The only 'real' character to me.

That's my opinion about this movie, should anyone care. :P

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Amarthadan wrote:
Alfred Pennyworth: Now here's the one guy that saved the movie. First time EVER I nearly cried because of a movie. The only 'real' character to me.

Even though I liked the movie a lot (and thus disagree with some of what you've written) I can't express well enough how much Michael Caine added to the movie. Even in his couple of brief scenes, he added some humour and a lot of the emotional weight.

Caine is an incredible actor, but he's getting up there in years now. I'm afraid he may not have too many films left in his career. :(

Author:  Necromancer7 [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Anything I could add to this discussion would simply echo what has already been said (Loved it, btw).

One thing I will say for those of you who disliked it though - it gets exponentially better with repeated viewings.

When I first saw it I was slightly disappointed, given the random injection of so many supporting roles, the under-use of Gordon and Fox, and Bane's end.
Second time around, many of those issues were cleared up. Instead of trying to concentrate on every tiny detail in the film (who's who, what are they doing, why are they doing that? etc), the second viewing allows you to watch the 'story' with a renewed focus. That's when you really see the heart of this film.

I'm surprised by the comments relating to there not being enough Batman. I really liked the shift in focus to Bruce (the downplay of that character was a large criticism of TDK). I also thought Nolan did a brilliant job of avoiding 'third film syndrome' by simply ramping up the action and leaving the character arcs to stagnate. Instead, Nolan broke his main character down like never before, then rebuilt him in superb fashion.

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