The One Ring |
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
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Author: | Red Corsairs [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Like many others, I have caught the Skyrim bug (granted I've caught it a lot later than most others). I've been spending a more than healthy amount of time on the game recently and just thought it might be nice to have a thread for other gamers to discuss the game, the characters they use, what style of play they've gone for, what items they use etc. And with the recent release of Dawnguard for the Xbox 360, what better time to post such a thread? I'm using a setup that some people frown upon because it 'ruins the game' at the moment with my Nord. I have 4 pieces of apparel that boost smithing improvements by 24% each as well as a Blacksmith's draught (?) that boosts it by 40% making a total improvement of 136%. Using these I improved my Royal Vampire Armour and weapons, making them more powerful than most people's Daedric items. I then used Enchanting to enchant my Vampire boots, Vampire gauntlets, a necklace and a ring to boost One-handed weapons by 45%. My Harkon's Sword (magical unique sword, similar in shape to the Blades sword, which can be obtained through the Dawnguard questline) now does over 246 damage. To do this you'll need 100 Enchanting with all of perks that boost the power of enchantments and skill enchantments selected and drink an Enchanter's Philter before casting the enchantments. You'll also need the smithing perks for whichever armour you intend on using, not to forget arcane smithing if you intend on improving magical items. This works with two-handed as well, just use the fortify two-handed enchantment instead of the one-handed. You can do the same with Archery if you'd rather use a bow. Then there are the perks in the respective trees for one-handed, two-handed and archery that will help increase the damage even further if you choose the correct perks. I will also note that if you have 100 Alchemy and all of the perks to increase the power of potions created, you can create some really powerful potions to increase the power of enchantments and smithing improvements even further. You can also enchant armours using these potions to increase the power of created potions, and then use these armours to make more potions of the same kind, only this time they will be even stronger. It's long winded and can take some working out, but using this method you can easily get a single Daedric sword to do over 500 damage. Now you see why some people frown upon it for ruining the fun of the game. You could call it a broken system if you want, I just think it's a clever way of using the different skills involved and merging them to make incredibly powerful items. Personally I don't find it ruins the fun of the game at all, especially on Master difficulty. But it's simple, if you don't want to do it for whatever reason, don't. Anybody else still playing Skyrim that wants to share anything about their character/s etc.? |
Author: | Martinus [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Still playing Skyrim on the pc and i can not wait for dawnguard . I love the pc version becourse of the mods so many and some are so verry good. I started a new character that only uses conjuration and restoration with a little alteration ( got a mod that makes some places bit darker hehe) This character can not live without Lydia though hehe I want dawnguard! |
Author: | Red Corsairs [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
You will not be disappointed by Dawnguard. I've yet to play through the Dawnguard route but if theirs is anything like the Vampire storyline it will be great. The other added extras add a lot to the game too in my opinion. Mounted combat was well needed, though I'm not sure why it wasn't there to start with. Of the new enemies I've yet to come across a Legendary dragon but the others such as the frost giant and gargoyles are cool additions, though on the dragon front there were 2 named dragons that kicked my [word deleted] quite late in the storyline so if the Legendary dragons are anything like them, they'll add a much needed challenge for higher level players. The crossbows are very cool and powerful, especially once you've upgraded them through the various enchantments I have. I've yet to actually use dragonbone weapons since I was happy with Chillrend and my newly acquired Harkon's sword, but I'm sure they too will prove to be a worthy addition. The ability to craft arrows is another new feature I really like, it's handy being able to make your own. The one thing I'm annoyed about is that if you don't choose the Dawnguard, you cannot make your own crossbows or bolts, meaning I'm stuck with standard crossbows and standard steel bolts that the Dawnguard drop upon death. Though that's an understandable advantage for choosing the Dawnguard over the Vampires and as such, I'm annoyed with myself rather than Bethesda. All in all a good DLC, I very much look forward to what they do next. A DLC going into more detail about the Snow Elves/Falmer would be nice, that or a DLC based on the Dragon Priests. Being someone that has collected all of the masks and gone back in time to the secret room I would very much like to know more about them and their origins. Maybe a DLC that actually takes you back to that time, in the same manner as they did with Operation Anchorage that took you back to the time of the war in Fallout 3. |
Author: | Drumstick [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
I've also played this game for hours on end.. . more than I willing to admit. I have the PC version completed maxed out with my gaming PC along with around 250 mods (any more and things start to slow down) which seriously adds more depth to the game. Despite the fact I told myself I will be getting every DLC for Skyrim the Dawnguard DLC really did not interest me. I'm not keen on the vampires and the supernatural thing just isn't my thing. I'm much more interested in the medieval side where things are little more realistic. What I just can not wait for is the Skyrim MERP LotR Mod which is coming out soon. They're transferring Skyrim into LotR with a full map redo, buildings, weapons, armor etc etc.. . I'll post the link at the bottom along with a few teaser pictures but check the site as there's dozens of photo's. They imported all their stuff from Oblivion to Skyrim a few months back as it had more tools to work with. ... ng-project ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Red Corsairs [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Ah yes I'm familiar with this. It looks amazing, I play Skyrim on an Xbox 360 but this mod alone tempts me to spend the cash on a good gaming computer. |
Author: | Eaothen-the-brave [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Oh great! A LotR mod was just what I was waiting for for this game! ![]() I've played the game for quite a long time too, stopped at level 31, even though I didn't want to.. What happenend was this: If you follow the main story line, the old lady in the inn at Riverwood (the first city you reach after the dragon's attack in the beginning of the game) will tell you she's a dragonhunter or something (it's been a while) so, you'll have to follow her to these locations and such, and at one point, she'll tell you to visit a certain city (forgot it's name), go to the inn and talk with someone, he'll bring you to this secret party thing, but you'll have to go in disguise, so you need to leave your armour, items, potions, everything you'll need with him, he'll put it in a chest at the party from where you'll have to search secret maps and documents in the building. Well, I went to the chest, but guess what? It was empty ![]() ![]() After trying for a while, sneaking around (which I trained pretty good aswell, but not good enough apparently) I gave up. I thought of going back in time with my older save files, but I was level 28 at my last file, and we all know how long it takes to level up in such games. So that's why I quit playing Skyrim, I realy enjoyed it, but I don't want to start over again.. ![]() Now I'm playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor lately, a WWII strategy game, really like it, allthough it's pretty hard in the beginning ![]() I'll start playing Skyrim again when the LotR mod is out, it looks great! Can't wait to see what the orcs, trolls, dwarfs, .... look like! ![]() Cheers, Jorn. |
Author: | BrazenGolem [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:55 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
The first thing I'm going to do in this mod is find Wormtongue and use Soul Tear, so I can have my very own undead advisor. Then, when I tire of him, I will take him to the top of Minas Tirith and Fus Ro Dah him over the edge ![]() |
Author: | Red Corsairs [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:48 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Eaothen-the-brave wrote: Oh great! A LotR mod was just what I was waiting for for this game! ![]() I've played the game for quite a long time too, stopped at level 31, even though I didn't want to.. What happenend was this: If you follow the main story line, the old lady in the inn at Riverwood (the first city you reach after the dragon's attack in the beginning of the game) will tell you she's a dragonhunter or something (it's been a while) so, you'll have to follow her to these locations and such, and at one point, she'll tell you to visit a certain city (forgot it's name), go to the inn and talk with someone, he'll bring you to this secret party thing, but you'll have to go in disguise, so you need to leave your armour, items, potions, everything you'll need with him, he'll put it in a chest at the party from where you'll have to search secret maps and documents in the building. Well, I went to the chest, but guess what? It was empty ![]() ![]() After trying for a while, sneaking around (which I trained pretty good aswell, but not good enough apparently) I gave up. I thought of going back in time with my older save files, but I was level 28 at my last file, and we all know how long it takes to level up in such games. So that's why I quit playing Skyrim, I realy enjoyed it, but I don't want to start over again.. ![]() Now I'm playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor lately, a WWII strategy game, really like it, allthough it's pretty hard in the beginning ![]() I'll start playing Skyrim again when the LotR mod is out, it looks great! Can't wait to see what the orcs, trolls, dwarfs, .... look like! ![]() Cheers, Jorn. Actually the things he puts in the chest are only the things that you're supposed to give him that you feel you 'need' to make your way through that house. The lady from Riverwood actually has all of your items and she gives them back upon completion of the quest. |
Author: | Drumstick [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Eaothen-the-brave wrote: Now I'm playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor lately, a WWII strategy game, really like it I play that quite a lot too in fact, whats your Steam name? Can maybe have a few matches ![]() |
Author: | Eaothen-the-brave [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:03 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Red Corsairs wrote: Actually the things he puts in the chest are only the things that you're supposed to give him that you feel you 'need' to make your way through that house. The lady from Riverwood actually has all of your items and she gives them back upon completion of the quest. Yes, that's what I mean, sorry for the confusion ![]() ![]() Drumstick wrote: Eaothen-the-brave wrote: Now I'm playing Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor lately, a WWII strategy game, really like it I play that quite a lot too in fact, whats your Steam name? Can maybe have a few matches ![]() my steam acccount is eaothen_the_brave and my profile name is bapedebopi? (it's from family guy, when Peter thinks he's Italian ![]() Did you get the game on the Steam store? I bought mine from a local shop, but oh well, no problem as long as we can play online I guess ![]() |
Author: | Drumstick [ Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Added! I have the same name, but a saucy pic instead. lol, can't get better than Family Guy! ![]() |
Author: | aqan [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Eaothen, if you play on the pc you might want to add a few items to your inventory by using some cheats. Than you can still use that save and finish the quest. Don't know the cheats for it (got oblivion on the pc and skyrim for the xbox) but I'm sure a quick googlesearch will help. ![]() Ps: does anyone know if it those rumors about mods as free downloadable content for the xbox are true, it would be great to have that lotr mod, but skyrim would blow up my pc, so I got it for the xbox. |
Author: | Eaothen-the-brave [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
aqan wrote: Eaothen, if you play on the pc you might want to add a few items to your inventory by using some cheats. Than you can still use that save and finish the quest. Don't know the cheats for it (got oblivion on the pc and skyrim for the xbox) but I'm sure a quick googlesearch will help. ![]() That's a great idea! Why haven't I thought of that before? ![]() ![]() |
Author: | aqan [ Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
As there were quite a few people down here who would like to see a lotr mod for skyrim, I thought you might want to know that WB is trying to shut the project down. They're now holding a petition for it. |
Author: | Pindergorn [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:14 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |
Good 'ole Warner Brothers, bashing the Devlan Mud out of the loyal fans of the biggest and most lucrative franchise WB will [i]ever[/i] get its hands on. Oh and it gets better. wikipedia wrote: Flixster including Rotten Tomatoes was acquired by Warner Bros. in May 2011. Warner Brothers, a company involved in the making of movies, is acquiring websites which...publish movie reviews. Quote: I would like to inform you of a Lord of the Rings fan modification of the Elder Scrolls Skyrim, which has recently been issued a cease and desist letter from Warner Brothers Entertainment. The mod's name is MERP (Middle earth Roleplaying Project), which has been in development since before 2008 (though then for a different game). Since then, the team has matured and the mod has seen a huge boost in quality, fan support and developemnt experience.
Now we need all the support we can get from fans, other modders, game websites, famous people and whoever can help to spread news about our current situation to show Warner Bros. how much everyone cares about our project. After contact with Warner Brothers, they did not permit us to continue the project privately with no public releases. We have contact with a lawyer who is trying to argue our case as transformative and under 'fair use', but we also need all the support we can get! Please help our cause, and spread the news and don't let this awesome non-profit project come to an end! We have a petition, facebook pages, and a twitter hashtag – #SaveMERP Facebook: Petition: Our main news and blog site is: Please help us and spread the news! Together we can save MERP! --MERP fans and gamers |
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