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 Post subject: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:12 am 

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I found this completely rubbish but serves as a good laugh.

This guy put a bit too much thought into the article but is pretty funny and intelligent of him.

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:06 am 
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When he says "fly" its actually Shaekspearean for "run", even though everybody knows that :P
If that where the case, Gandalf would have talked about that plan in the ending of the book or Tolkien would have said something in his interviews.
But I don't understand WHY they would have to go to where the eagles live... Them flying from Misty Mountains to Mordor is secret enough, but some extra miles from Rivendell were going to give them away?
Also no way the Eagles would ever aggree to that...
Also no way the eye of Sauron would miss them :P
Smart though, for someone who seems to not have read (or understood) the books :-D

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:05 am 
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One day, I'll take the time to write a full essay on the reasons why they didn't have the eagles fly the Ring to Mordor. But it is not this day! This day we fight!
*ahem* :aragorn:

Anyway, I liked the ending of that sequence, should've seen that coming.
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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:04 am 

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In a nutshell, the eagles are emissaries of manwe (chief among the ainur) and are not allowed to participate in mortal affairs. There is more to it than that, but there is the cliff notes version for you.
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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:45 pm 
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jdizzy001 wrote:
In a nutshell, the eagles are emissaries of manwe (chief among the ainur) and are not allowed to participate in mortal affairs. There is more to it than that, but there is the cliff notes version for you.


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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:36 pm 
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But in the hobbit the do participate don't they ?
The also show up at the black gate, but if thought that was not in the books. But them showing up to save gandalf & co and participate in the battle of the 5 armies, is being involved in mortal affairs. So a question remains, why turn the tide of battle in the BOFA and not in the war of the ring. Is the ring to evil to be carried by such 'holy'(?) creatures ?

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:07 pm 
Elven Elder
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What a silly question. We all know that Mordor had plenty of these set up to prevent such an incursion

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:10 pm 
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Jelier wrote:
But in the hobbit the do participate don't they ?
The also show up at the black gate, but if thought that was not in the books. But them showing up to save gandalf & co and participate in the battle of the 5 armies, is being involved in mortal affairs. So a question remains, why turn the tide of battle in the BOFA and not in the war of the ring. Is the ring to evil to be carried by such 'holy'(?) creatures ?

In the forrest they saved them because they happened to be in the area and because of their hatred of Orcs and Wargs. They would not get out of their way otherwise.
In the BoFA I believe they came to avenge the death of SPOILER.
In the FotR the Gwihir rescued Gandalf because he owed him a favor.
In the black gate their coming is the symbol of the final victory.
They would never participate on command of anyone, even Gandalf. They do as they please. They are badass. They are legion :D

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:53 pm 
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Its a very funny picture! But also, the eagles couldn't have flown to Mt Doom because of the threat of the fellbeasts. They could only rescue Frodo once Sauron had died and the fellbeasts dead.
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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:45 am 
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Thanks JamesR, laughed my head off at that one!

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:34 pm 
Elven Warrior
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This article explains neatly why the post is incorrect: ... -one-ring/
It's a good read, I found. :)

It's an awesome blog by the way! Lots of interesting questions are answered.
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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:47 pm 
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Fëanor, the mighty elf wrote:
This article explains neatly why the post is incorrect: ... -one-ring/
It's a good read, I found. :)

It's an awesome blog by the way! Lots of interesting questions are answered.

That was a good read, some bits he digressed the entire time, but still pretty good.

I don't mind people trying to fill plot holes, as it can be a nice mental exercise for writers and discussions. In the end, Tolkien is our Dungeon Master, and what the DM says is law. The eagles dropped off or picked up when and where they did for whatever reasons they did as the DM saw fit. And that is all we need to know. Next time PC #1 asks about the plot of the story with his level 3 ranger he will be shopping for a new sword after the rust monster eats his and he can ask all abut where that rust monster came from if he wants to see what else I have in my Monster Manual.

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 Post subject: Re: Why the eagles didn't fly the ring to mount doom.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:57 pm 
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Strange, that link doesn't work for me.
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