The One Ring

Dark Elves and Grey Elves ?
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Author:  the halfwit halfling [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Dark Elves and Grey Elves ?

hey guys i am a bit confused about facts regarding dark elves and grey elves of beleriand. In the silmarrilion they are both refered to as morequendi. I have also found this page that makes things even more confusing any help would be appreciated.

Author:  BaruKhazad [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 

it's a fan wiki, some sort of fanfiction.

and well if you read this sentence you'll see it isnt true: A vast army of Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits under the leadership of King Elleser, Lord Gimli, and Thain Frodo engaged the Dark Elves at Minas Tirith

when did the hobbits go to war? as far as i can remember the only battle the hobbits fought was the battle of fornost. (and of course the hobbits who went on adventure but that doenst count as an army)

to put it short: that site isnt right
but i dont more from dark elves, im sorry

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

BaruKhazad wrote:
If you read this sentence you'll see it isnt true:
A vast army of Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits under the leadership of King Elleser, Lord Gimli, and Thain Frodo engaged the Dark Elves at Minas Tirith

when did the hobbits go to war? as far as i can remember the only battle the hobbits fought was the battle of fornost. (and of course the hobbits who went on adventure but that doenst count as an army)

And Frodo wasn't Thain: That was Pippin. Frodo was in Valinor.

This is a more canonical wiki:

And this really is the definitive LotR resource:

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