The One Ring

What's the point in going to a GW?
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Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  What's the point in going to a GW?

I was just thinking what is the point of going to one now? I used to enjoy them (going there once per year as there are no GW stores in Korea) but now I question why I should. They no longer stock all models and you have to order most of them, which I could easily just do at home, staff only provide gaming and painting tips suitible enough for begginers, gaming tables are usually full and it is not often you find many LOTR gamers (and I have lots of terrain at home which is where I game) The only thing I can think of is having full club campaigns and events but that is rare... so convince me, whats the point in going to a GW?

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's the point in going to a GW?

ill only be brief

events ect are not rare, its a matter of asking them when (or at which GW store)

the one i go to has lots of tables (20!) and is full on thurs/fridays (i havent been there any other time) with ppl playing. it has tournys every month as well....
you have a point about not stocking models ect... their prices are too high anyway so i dont buy directly from them, i go to sites like wayland games or ebay

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's the point in going to a GW?

their prices are too high anyway so i dont buy directly from them, i go to sites like wayland games or ebay

Great business plain, Free baby sitting and no product for sale you can't get cheaper elsewhere.
That is why they are all closed in my State. They also had absolutely no idea of what custom service is.

If you threat some one right they will remember forever. If you threat some one wrong they will tell a hundred people.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's the point in going to a GW?

I haven't been to a GW in ages because there is none in Oklahoma, but there is a pretty nice hobby store where I live(They don't have any LotR though :sad: ), and I just like actually seeing the actual mini's in person, which helps me decide if I would want them in my house, and seeing them every day. The only problem with that is I want to just run away with them without paying. :-D

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