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 Post subject: Rivendell vs Erebor
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:23 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
Ill try to resumed what happen in a fight bettewn me (rivendell ) against my sister (erebor)

Forces were made like this:

rivendell force:

rivendell knight captain with shield
3 rivendell knights with shield

4 elves with shield and spear
4 elves with blade and shield
4 elves with bow

Elf captain with shield and horse
4 elves with blade

her force:

4 erebor with shield
4 erebor with spear

Erebor captain with shield
4 erebor with shield
4 erebor with spear

Grimhammer captain
7 grimhammers

it was high ground scenario.

She deployed south I did at north (both forces very close to the middle)
Hill with some fences and barricades around
Big moutain to the east
Forest to the west

She deployed Erebor captain warband at the west side of the hill
Thrain warband 50/50 east side of the hill and behind it
Grimhammer captain warband west side close to the front line.

I deployed
Erestor warband front close to the hill, archers to the west behind a barricade
Captain warband west next to the archers
Rivendell knights on the forest

Early on the game my elven shoot took a tool, my elven archer took 1 grimhammer, and the rivendell knights took 3 dwarves with my 1st volley, I had luck and killed 2 spears and 1 shield with them.

Lines crashed and my elves got luck on rolls to wound, alot 6s on the right time and death ration was of 11 loses to the dwarves vs 5 for my elves.
She was keeping Thrain withdrawed in the back a little longer until I decided to push my elven captain on the east side to engage the grimhammers and chop em down.

Heroic strikes happened with my captain and his grim captain for 2 rounds and neither died, except that the elven captain got an grimhammer killed.
Then all started to change, in a round with bad luck and her rolls, she got that Elven captain on the east side engaged by thrain. I had no might and he called an heroic strike + used two handed (I did adviced her not to though) and she sent another grimhammer for the fight.
She wont the combat with Thrain and he used another might to get the tie roll and win, then he chopped my captain of the horse with a 6s and a 5 (then add the +1 for using two handed) I failed the elf fate point.

Soon that captain died I realized something was gone wrong and I decided to charge the rivendell knights head on.
The knights got their tool and they charged the dwarves and killeda couple, then game got broken but those 1 and 2s werent rolling up. and Of course Thrain was up, no dwarf would flee...

I went around the hill with my rivendell captain to engage thrain while erestor took a wound of the erebor captain.

She decided to fall back what remain dwarves she had and form a shieldwall even with the spears around to block my entry point at the hill.

She sent her erebor captain to deal with 2 knights (he was with no more might) he holded 2 turns but lost those 2 turns as one was a tie but elven blades helped out, the other turn 1 knight manage to charge and impaled his rear.

Thrain fought my rivendell captain 4x, 1st Thrain won and pinned the rider killnig off the horse, then I shield myself to buy me enough time, won a round thx to elven blade but then the following 2 lost a wound on either and failed the fate roll.

Last turn she had 4 grimhammers alive and 3 of their throwing weapons found their marks, 1 impaled a charging rivendell knight up the hill, another killed an archer and the 3rd backstabbed the back of an elven spearmen. Erestor early tried to use the might to cut down the erebor captain and failed and was depleted atm and was constantly getting tied up with a dwarf at a turn.

Thrain moved up the hill and killed another of my rivendell knights and despite dwarf death ratio was greater than my elven deaths, the loss of 2 captains and more dwarves up the hill it ended up proved my undoing.

26 for the dwarves
21 for the elves

close match up and promise next time Ill post pics of a diferent battle report :)
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