The One Ring

WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point
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Author:  Leonardis [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

This was our clubs second WOTR battle, Mordor v Dwarves. We set up using shield wall and had circa 1000 points each

My army:
12 companies of orcs (Gorgoroth host)
6 companies of Morannon orcs
6 companies of Morannon orcs
4 companies of warg
2 x siege bows

Dain Iron foot
4 companies dwarf kinbane with shields and shield bearer
3 companies dwarf kinbane with 2HW
3 companies Khazad guard
1 companies Vault wardens
1 bolt thrower
1 Kings Champion


Craig took the north side of the battle field with the woods to his left and the building on his right. He positioned the kings champion in the centre of the field with the bolt thrower behind and the 4 companies of shields on his left, the Khazad with Dain were also in the centre with the two handed warriors on his right (near the building)
I deployed the orc host centre with Khamul and the morannon on each flank. *The siege bows were each placed in a corner at the southern end of the battle field with the warg taking the far right to flank around the woods.

Round 1
Craig won priority and elected to got first. *The Kings champion completed an ATD and ran to the centre of the field with the Khazad guard following suit. *The two handed warriors marched towards the building.
I moved my orc host half distance and spread out, the left morannon moved towards the building and the right moved centre side of the woods. *The warg moved around the far side of the woods (sneekin’)
Craig then fired his artillery at the host and took two casualties, one of which was deflected leaving 1 killed. I opened fired with 96 orcs 32 direct the rest support, this killed 5 Khazad guard; while my siege bows killed 1 and the other miss fired.
This ended the first round as neither party were in range to charge.

Round 2
Again Craig won priority and went first. His 2HW dwarves entered the building, while the rest of his army advanced up the centre desperately close to the orcs. *I decided to pull back with the orcs, out of range of the Khazad guard to prevent a charge, but still in range of the kings champion, I moved half rate (guess what’s coming!) *My morannon advanced forward, one almost to the building the other to meet the dwarven shields.
Firing was much like last time, with the Khazad guard taking a couple more casualties and the kings champion, brushing siege bolts off of his shoulder. The orc horde again suffered a few hits, with Khamul deflecting a couple into the Khazad guard.
The king’s champion and the Khazad guard charged the orc horde passing there courage test against Khamul, but the shields failed rolling a one! *Leaving my Morannon to charge them!
The fighting was better then expected with the dwarves rolling poorly the number of dead only amounted to eight with Khazad taking 3, the kings champion still unharmed. The morannon and shields both did little damage with both taking 2 casualties (bad dice rolls on both sides); the orcs held their courage test.

Round 3
I won priority and moved my spare morannon around the building to out flank the dwarves, the warg cleared the woods at the rear of the dwarves, the orc horde again fired (relinquishing the charge) while my morannon charged the dwarf shields. Craig fired his artillery at the warg killing one, while my orcs at short range took out 5 Khazad guard. *The king’s champion charged the side of the morranon fighting his shields.
The fighting was brutal, with the king’s champion killing the remainder of a company of the morannon, the shields killing another few orcs and me killing 5 of his, fortunately I passed the courage test. Meanwhile the Khazad guard hit my orcs and killed 12, but with the orcs killing 4 and Khamul throwing back 3, the Khazad were reduced to ½ strength of the last company and so were destroyed along with Dain, having not used any might nor using his abilities…

The dwarves exited the building on the west side behind the morannon who were walking around it and successfully charged their rear, this caused them to loose 9 warriors and not passing the panic test were left helpless.

Round 4
I won priority and rallied my morannon against the 2HW dwarves at their rear. My siege bow on that side rolled a 6 and took 5 casualties; my warg charged the dwarves artillery and destroyed it - leaving the dwarves pretty much surrounded. With more bow fire the kings champion took a 3 wound counters and the shields and 2HW took casualties equal to the morannon they were fighting, with the rolling some lucky dice, Khamul being Khamul and the sheer number of orcs (and with time running out) Craig had little option but to surrender and concede defeat.

This was very much a trial of the rules and to try to get to grips with them, Dain wasn’t used to his best, but again I kept forgetting that Khamul could cast spells (let alone 3!)

Sorry about the limited photos, my camera batteries ran out.

Next time will be a smaller battle 500-750 to help learn the rules as well as plans for a weekend tourney in the spring using both the helms deep scale model (Rohan v Isengard) and a project about to begin - the recreation of the siege of Osgiliath (Mordor v Gondor) - although this will take some planning. *The battles will be 5-8000 points with 2-3 players per side… can’t wait.

I have put a couple of pictures on our blog:
WOTR: Battle report

WOTR: 6000 point Mordor Army

Author:  Hilbert [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Very nice althought the links are dead 8)

Author:  Leonardis [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Hi, should be working now!

Author:  Slythar [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

I like your table and terrain Leon.
So how do you treat your woods? Was it defensible terrain, difficult terrain or impassable terrain? Could the Siege bow look over the trees?

Mordor is very powerful so I'm not surprised with the outcome. Plus all the range forced the Dwarves to march very slowly. Dain needed to call Herioc Duel/Strike vs Khamul and win to have any chance at winning. Reflected hits on 50 point units and Monsters is as broken as you get. Plus Siege is untouched. A Great Eagle can be useful for this.

I was thinking of how to better the odds at Dueling since winning immediately vs Wraiths is important. You could take one or two of the Hobbits, they will add 3 to your roll. I believe Epic Charge will increase your Fight (I only wondered this recently and haven't investigated thoroughly) but I wonder how it would work in conjugation with Epic Strike or multiple Epic Charges.

Nice report btw.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Very nice report and excellent Mordor army. I am really interested in the kind of large scale battles that you do as that is what WOTR is all about. Your painting is also excellent though I think you have 10 or more Ringwraiths and 2 Saurons, you know you can't do that don't you? Anyway, go to say, that is awesome, well done 8)

Author:  Leonardis [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Thanks for the feedback - the Mordor army is a display of my mordor models, so just out them all out for the photo!

I actually love the dwarves and have a 3000 point army fully painted, but I love WOTR more and all my opponents seem to also want to be dwarves, so I let them, besides Mordor do well against them!

Our next game is tomorrow when Craig will again field my dwarves and I will field Angmar, Burhdurs battlehost (which I haven't plate before) so that should be interesting.

I will try to photo my Angmar and dwarf army tomorrow and post some links as well as a new battle report by next weekend!

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

What was the size of the table? Was it enough?

Author:  Leonardis [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Hi the battle was a 1000 point fight, so 6 x 4 was more than enough.

The mordor army was just set up for photo and to get people interested in WOTR, there are 24 comps of morannon and over 30 comps of orcs as well as nearly 30 comps of warg and 9 trolls... We are planning a siege of Osgiliath in spring which will be on a board 8 x 6 and will have my mordor and fallen realms armies fight against gondor, although the thought of painting that is a little bit of a headache! But watch for progress on that!

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Wow man, thats an amazing collection, did it cost a lot of money? My mordor army is only 2000-2500 points, and I dont plan to build a bigger.

Author:  Leonardis [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Just a lot of time looking for bargins on eBay!

Now I have to decide Gondor or Rohan next?

Author:  Bastion.HUN [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

I think Gondor is more exciting, than the green horsemen.

Author:  justiningham [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Good battle report, love the photos of your armies on your blog - make sure you post when your other armies are finished! Brilliant and well done.

Author:  Xelee [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Hi Leonardis,

Great armies and great report. I've added you guys to my WOTR bloglist.


Author:  Leonardis [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

Glad you liked them, I will post more on there in time. I will add yours too as in the last year I've been collecting I've used your blog and scotts for inspiration (thank you!)

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Dwarves v Mordor 1000 point

lovedly, i really like the link to your 6000 point mordor army. that looks really epic

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