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 Post subject: Capture the Ring scenario (SBG)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:59 am 
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I was reminiscing about my old Conquest game for the PS3 and remebered having fun with the Capture the Ring mode, also I wondered how it would be like to have a Lotr like Bloodbowl. So I thought up rules for a Capture the ring scenario that maybe I'll play my friend in sometime.

Objective: Bring the One Ring into the enemy end zone a game set number of times (default 3), or who scores the most touchdowns the entire game for a set number of turns.

Playing Field: No matter the size, make sure both halfs of the table top mirror each other in terms of scenery for fair play. Each player has his own end zone whether it be the table edge or a specific area such as a hill or a flag.

The Teams: Two opposing teams each having two separate lists of max points cap; an agreed upon number of points for regular soldiers to be field, and an agreed upon number of points for heroes. Also there should be a model cap for each team, because a goblin horde would have a huge advantage in a game like this, so the difference of number of models between the two teams should only be a few. No monsters and cavalry allowed, only 25mm based foot soldiers (that goes for heroes as well).

Model Deployment & Spawning: Teams are deployed 6" from their own table edge. When regular soldiers are killed they can respawn on the table edge of their own deployment zone next turn in the move phase, but are not allowed to move or shoot that turn. Heroes aren't allowed to respawn, once they're dead, they're dead. If all heroes on a team are obliterated, the regular company soldiers must take a panic test during the next move phase. If a model fails his courage test, he doesn't move, charge or shoot during that turn and is frozen in place.

The One Ring: The One Ring is represented by a token on the table and is deployed in the center line of the table top, an even distance from both team deployments. The One Ring can be given multiple deployment zones rather than just one. So roll a D2 if there are 2 spawn points, or D3 if there are 3. This will determine where the One Ring is deployed at the beginning of the game and after a touchdown with each spawn area represented by a certain number on the die. A model picks up the One Ring when it comes into base contact with it. The model holding the One Ring can only pass it to other models on its team through base contact during the move phase. No throwing the ring. Models must complete their move one at a time during the move phase and not move simultaneously with other models. So to pass the ring a model can; pass it straight away with an ally already in base contact and then move on, move towards an ally that has or has not already moved yet and pass the ring, move a certain number of movement then pass the ring and then move the rest. If the model which has received the Ring hasn't moved yet, it can then move and pass it to another model if it so chooses. The opposing model that slays the ring bearer in melee combat receives the ring right away whereas a bearer that gets shot or dies of some other means drops the ring where he died. When a model scores a touchdown in the move phase or through heroic move or some other means by entering into the zone area or touching the goal object, the One Ring redeploys again at the beginning of the next turn, but all the models continue where they are and don't redeploy in the next round. A model can claim the One Ring right away if it is already in base contact with the area where the Ring re-spawns.

So I'm hoping this makes for an interesting scenario to play. It was fun in the video game.

My Lotr backlog: 305/952[][][][][][][][][][]32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA
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