The One Ring |
The Greed of Amedjifar |
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Author: | Old Dwarf [ Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | The Greed of Amedjifar |
Amedjifar was curious by nature,when he learned of a ruined fortress on the edge of the Savannah, with the usual tales of ghosts & treasure, he set out to find it with a couple of soldiers from his Company.The ruin proved rather easy to locate as it was on the old road south and the soldiers saw at once it was probably had been the last Harad outpost before the they encountered the Elves & Southern expansion ceased. An exploration of the fortress was hot & dirty work but under a collapsed stair case in the SW tower they found a Chest,massive & heavy ,Amedjifar was sure this was the treasure of rumor. The 3 men decided to drag the locked chest out on an old cart found in the court yard & take it back to Amedjifar's tent to divide in secret.They had loaded the old cart and were moving slowly back up the road when they saw men to their South,not men but Elves, obviously their exploration of the ruins had been noticed.The 3 men struggled to push the cart faster & in so doing the strain on the old wood proved too much & it fell apart.The Chest fell upon the road & was too heavy to carry or pull. Amedjifar treasure lust was too much to just flee the advancing Elves & give up the chest,instead he sent Dijon to run & rouse the rest of the Company camped just to the West.Amenjifar & Gusar would stay & hold the chest. The Elf Company moved in easy strides nearing the half-way point of its patrol.The old fortress would be a welcome camp,it was a routine they had become use to during the 3 months of patrolling this area. Suddenly Farond,who had been on point with Gaulfin & Bredil returned & reported that Dragon soldiers had been seen at the old fort. Arandor,quickly set the Elves moving if the Southrons had reoccupied the ruin could mean that the Storm King* had renewed his push South & the Elf lands were endangered.When the Elves neared the ruined fortress ,Gaulfin & Bredil met them with more information.The Dragon Soldiers had been only 3 & they left the old fort pulling a large chest on a cart,when they had sighted the Elves they had speeded up but the cart broke. Two of the Soldiers had stayed with the chest and the 3 rd had run up the road. Arandor was relieved to see the Southrons were not at the fort in force but he needed to find out why they had been there at all.He ordered his company forward, prisoners were always a welcomed diversion. *Storm King -The Nazgul Akhorahil(Ice Fluff) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm amazed at the Battle Companies our Generator is putting out,Dark Elves & the Southern Harad basically ICE MERP fluff for which I converted models. The Dark Elves are found in the Forrest below Far Harad they are represented by HE.sword & archer figs with a red leather armor,grey tunics & black Cloaks, he Far Harad are black men represented by plastic Uruk-Hai pikemen,with the pikes cut down to spears & some given bows & quivers,the helmets crests are also filed off. They are the classic red & bronze Southrons. The Battle generated was the #4 Battle Company Scenario "Rescue"frankly the Scenario rules didn't mention if the Cut off Hero could move or not.I don't think it would be much of a battle if he could simply run back to his lines,thus the stay with the chest fluff.The Terrain given by the Generator Table II(basically borderland terrain-in this case a Savannah)so the board has 4 clear sections in the lower center we have have a Craig which can be climbed in one place(not that there will be much need for that in this battle) and in the lower Left a ruined fortress (a WarZone terrain piece)this required a road which when generated called for e-w running across the board.The Terrain helped set the fluff for the battle. So right now the Southern Harad Sgt.& bow armed soldier are in the middle of the road in the middle of the board waiting to see who gets to them first. The Victory Conditions & ending game rules are as per the BC Scenario. The Sides: The Dark Elf Company(all armed with Elf blades except archers) Arandor-Leader Bredil-Warrior Carwin-warrior Darron -Warrior Elbert-Warrior Farond-Elf Bow Gaulfin-Elf Bow The Dark Elves of the South are from ICE MERP-they were very warlike and kept to themselves except when threaten. They have the same stats as Wood Elves but wear regular armor. The Far Harad Company (all armed with spears except for bowman) Amedjifar-leader Bello-Warrior Carnem-warrior Del Imat-warrior Edua-Warrior Faruk-warrior Gusar-bowman Heb-bowman Irdun-bowman The Far Harad Company are more ICE MERP fluff but are basically the Southrons from the book. They have the same stats as Harad Warriors, they are from The Army of The Southern Dragon & thus are often called Dragon Warriors. The Battle:(note per BC Scenario Elves as attackers always get priority) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Arandor sent his Company forward in a loose skirmish line,toward the two Dragon soldiers on the road,as they advances the could see more Dragon soldiers moving up toward their comrades.The Elf leader then sent 4 of his warriors toward the road to take the 2 closest Dragon soldiers,while he & his 2 archers Farond & Gaulfin moved up the center to draw off the advancing Dragon soldiers. The Southrons seeing the Elf Skirmish line separate began to reform into attack formations. The Elves advance brought them in range for the Elf Archers,Gaulfin shot at Amedjifar missed but Farond's was true & the arrow staggered the big Southron but he didn't go down (successful use of Fate Point).The Elves continued to move forward on the road & to the right, the Southrons managed to reform ranks so that the soldiers spears covered each other. Both sides exchanged more arrows with Arandor being hit but not put down by a powerful shot from Heb.(The Elf Fate Point used )Gaulfin was taken out by a shot from Irdun. The fight was finally joined when Bredil,Carwin, Elbert charged the Dragon soldiers on the road , this brought Del Imat in to draw off some of the attack on Amedjifar and Edu charged Darron with Faruk in support.Gusar was cut down in the first Elf assault,Bredil was forced back by Amedjifor supported by Del Imat,Edu was taken out & Faruk forced back.Anandor cut down Carnem & forced back Bello. The melee was now in full swing Bredil ,Carwin & Elbert charge Amedjifar ,while Darron charged , Del Imat.Arandor charged Faruk & Farond was charged by Bello. The Southron bowmen seeing their leader surrounded by Elves shot into the melee to help.Heb shot went high but Irdun struck true into Amedjifar!!!! The Southron leader had gotten in the way of the arrow meant for an Elf.With their leader down the rest of the Dragon soldiers pulled back, leaving victory to the Elves. Game follow up: The Elves Warriors get 3 experience points (2 for inflicted wounds 1 game),Arandor gets 3(1 wound,1 victory,1 game) Company gets 4 Influence Pts(2 game,2 victory). |
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