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 Post subject: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn Dum
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I got a game in vs James (traditionally a committed 40k guy) at the Cavs last night. His reputation for 'hard' armies preceded him, so I felt a little guilty when he actually turned up with Rohan, rather than something Mordor with full training wheels. It's a tough balance to strike, and we've learned our lesson there - we have a rematch next week and actually confirmed both armies this time! My less than stellar performing (below 50%, in fact) Angmar vs his Mumak list.

James had:
Full nine strong Riders with Theoden
Four (?) Oathsworn Militia with Eomer
Two coys of Oathsworn Bow
Six strong Elfhelm's Riders

I had the army of the Reunited Kingdom led by the High King himself.
Elphir (Isildur)
Four companies of Ithilien Warriors
Three Companies of Ithilien Warriors
Four Companies of Eriador Warriors
Three Companies of Anfalas Warriors
(all of these are straight WOMT)
Five Companies of Axemen of Lossarnach
Five Companies of Knights

We played Shieldwalls and James won the dice-off and chose to take the hill plus priority. I set up my full battleline, with Axemen on the left to block a likely flanking move by Elfhelm's riders over the river (diff going) and then four units of warriors to the front, with Knights in the back. It was tricky even getting out of my deployment zone, due to terrain. Most of my line advanced ok, via use of columns, popping in and out (turn 2) of defensible terrain, but the axemen just refused to double - despite having Elphir's courage 6! This led them spending too much of the game in march formation (to get through gaps and turn) and not enough in the line they needed to be to prevent Elfhelm rolling up their flanks. As expected, Elfhelm swept along beside the river. On the other flank, Eomer bravely led his militia to meet my warriors and Theoden hung back with his riders. In the shoot phase, I was showered by arrowfire, but took only light casualties. Then charges went off. Eomer's men ended up in combat with two units of my warriors. Elessar called the duel on Eomer but only landed a glancing blow. The ensuing melee saw half the milita killed, with a few casualties on the Warriors.
We got Craig over with his camera for turn two. James had priority and had me move first. Above you see Elfhelm positioned to finally get a charge in on the Axemen, if he rolls well. The militia rally from their lost fight but my warriors are swarming all about now. Elphir must have an impressive hangover or something, since he fails to properly double move his men again, this could be bad if the cav get a line on the block's flank. The Rohirrish shooting at least achieves something this time, they finish off a company of axemen, which proves quite important due to the 1" pushback. Then it's the charge phase.... I casually point out to James that sure Elfhelm is just in range for a hopeful charge, but the spearhead would now (due to shooting) take him into the front of the Axemen, who are also pikemen... He quickly gives up that idea.
Eomer's militia get hit again by Elessar and two units of warriors, no need to duel and they die to a man. As you can see from just before the charge phase above, I was a bit blocked in by terrain and the militia.
James again got priority and made me move first. I tried to sort out and reface the Axemen, but they fail to double again, three turns running now. By the end of the turn 2 Move phase, Faramir has led his Knights to threaten the archers on the hill, Theoden's huge block of Riders has moved up to threaten my warriors in the centre, I have pulled back a weakened unit of warriors and put the other three up in a line with Elessar and....
...yes, surely Elphir's Axemen's time is now up? Shooting is not a major factor this turn.
Wait, what? Yes, I had priority and it is here we see that James needs to get his WOTR eye back in after playing so much 40k. He did not properly consider the Axemen charge arc and so neglected to call a heroic charge to beat me in. Frankly, he was over casual in a number of ways, since Elfhelm's boys have a big move and a banner. He pays mightily, Elphir has a lot to prove after his earlier failures and he has four companies of 2HW, Epic Strike and a duel to do it with. Theoden charges in on the warriors and then Faramir counter-charges the flank. Theoden has stacked up the abilities so the whole block of riders is fight 6.

In the fight phase, James sees the writing on the wall and calls 'Epic Sacrifice' with Theoden. I still go through with the duel (I had called two actions at start of phase, so the might was committed) using Faramir and also a Heroic fight. Theoden dies to the duel, but does his job. The Cav actually win the fight in the end, taking only light losses due to the sacrifice of their King.

However, Elfhelm dies, badly, and the duel takes out many horse. The 2HW butcher the rest.

So we do make it to turn four. The block of Riders in the middle and the bowmen are largely intact, but all of their heroes are gone. The Knights take down the bow on the hill and I hit the riders from two sides and chew through them in melee.

Good game, James. Well see how my Carn Dum warbands fare in the hot south vs a Mumak, eh? Bring a camera so you chronicle my defeat, I'm appalling at remembering mine and we were (un)lucky that Craig was visiting and had his ;)


Last edited by Xelee on Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan, Shieldwalls
PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:44 pm 
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Weren't the forces slightly uneven? It looks like you had waaay more points than him.

"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
- Bertrand Russel
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan, Shieldwalls
PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:45 pm 
Elven Warrior
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spuds4ever wrote:
Weren't the forces slightly uneven? It looks like you had waaay more points than him.

Spuds4eva, rather than just say that like I might have being trying to get one over on the guy, how about you just add up the points and see, eh?

To make the thread a little more constructive, perhaps this is a good example of why I think guys are mad to blow so many points on upgrades. I've seen 2000 pt lists with less stuff than that. :o

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan, Shieldwalls
PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:16 am 
Elven Warrior
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We had the rematch last night, fuller version of pt 1. is here: ... n-dum.html

Last night I had my rematch vs James. This time he took his Haradrim:
Suladan the Serpent Lord
The Betrayer
Three coy Serpent Riders
Six Coy Haradrim Raider Cav
Five Coy Haradrim bow

Since he came second last time round, he got to request I not bring along the army of the Reunited Kingdom once more.

So I had my Carn Dum Army:
Witch King (actually the Dwimmerlaik)
The Tainted
The King of Carn Dum (Actually Thrydan)
Five coy Carn Dum Warband
Five coy Carn Dum Warband
Four coy Carn Dum Warband
Buhrdur the ambush troll
Two coy Carn Dum Artillery (siege bows)
One coy Carn Dum Artillery (siege bow)

I won the dice off so got to pick my board edge and have priority first turn. So my two units of artillery both started in defensible terrain, The building in the middle was treated as two adjacent buildings, the taller is capacity 4 and can be seen (I reckon my guys could not resist looking out from the roof) over the top of the walled bit, which is capacity 5.I had James move first. He hung the archers + re roll Nazgul (the Betrayer) back, while pushing his Cav with Suladan and his spare Cav forward. I pushed my guys up, but James started cracking up as I failed all my double moves again. My spells achieved nothing (though Suladan does expend might, which he gets back, to negate my 'pall of night') but I did occupy the building.... only to have the idiots shot to hell by the archers (re rolling 1s and having the Betrayer is nasty vs high def troops). Oh well. My artillery failed to hit the broad side of a Mumak, since the rules writers think he'd be harder to hit than some foot soldiers! We then join battle... or not, Suladan's nerve fails him in the face of The Tainted. So I get to charge! And I am berserk. Suladan's rules force him to duel, the Nazgul wins but does not kill him. The Nazgul's minions on the other hand slay every horse around him. This is starting out well.

In turn 2 (below), I get priority and go first. My middle formation sweeps to the left to block (heh) the Mumak while my left one casts Wings of Terror and moves to flank it. No more spells for me. James gets none either. He shoots more of my guys in the building, while my artillery spends another turn recalibrating their sights, sigh.

I have set up a 'brilliant' box with my troops and charge in on both sides of the Mumak. I kill no one, not even a Mumak crewman. The Mumak stamps out the lives of several warriors from both formations.
As we gather our strength for turn 3, my men look up at the Mumak upon the hill (he is actually in contact with the guys to his front) and think "this isn't so bad, considering." I am about to receive an education in the Mumak rules!

Continued tomorrow.

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan, Shieldwalls
PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:26 pm 
Elven Warrior
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James got priority and went first here. Look at those warband near the forest: now you see them, now you don't. Turn three was a nail-biting education in why the Mumak is both fearsome and fragile. In his move phase, James had lumbered the Mumak forward. My guys had fallen back out of the way, sideways toward the nearest table edge - so at right angles to the Mumak's path. The upshot of this is that where there was a health four-strong formation containing the Witch-King and the King of Carn-Dum, now there were a few big Mumak prints and some scared survivors, bereft of their leaders.

That right, the rules say that if a Mumak wants to walk where you are standing, and you cannot get away that instant, you all die. One to remember, I think.

Howver, Mumaks do not enjoy hitting forests. So it shook loose some crew there. They enjoy the artillery that lurks in forests even less. Two turns had been spent lining up the shots and now they unleashed. They ended up scoring some amazing hits on the Mumak, rolling 6's on it's table. Under the short-range rain of ballista bolts, the great creature fell. 'Operation Dumbo Drop?'

It's not all a celebration though. What this picture does not capture is the reason those Haradrim archers in the middle back there are now facing to the side. Yes, Buhrdur had ambushed. The Betrayer spent his sole point of might to get a heroic shoot, worth it? Well Buhrdur did not survive that. Was throwing away Buhrdur as Betrayer-bait worth it? Time will tell.Image
In turn four, I had priority.The Carn Dum warband, led by the Tainted, swept over the hill. The Carn Dum artillery slaughtered the terrified Serpent Riders, who might well have wondered why they were sitting up atop a hill. The Tainted had cast 'Wings of Terror' and, wonder of wonders, I passed my double roll. So he actually slunk around on an angle and charged into both the Serpent Riders and the Betrayer's bowmen.
The final turn five saw the Betrayer's archers fail to recover form their disorder. This was not aided by the Tainted's chill influence undermining the exhortations of their commander, the casting of 'Sunder Spirit' upon them only added insult to injury. So they sat there, cowering about their dark master while around them the dregs of other Carn Dum warbands emerged from hidey holes or crept over the hill, like hyenas circling a wounded lion.

The Tainted then almost failed, at the very end, to deliver the killing blow! Fortunately he had a point of might to alter the charge result and send in his berserkers, who were totally lost in their black rage and slaughtered the south men where they huddled.
It was a great game. That Mumak was a real force, and if Suladan and his cavalry had not thrown away their lives for no gain at the outset, I really do think the Hradrim would have had the win there. I guess I might have been less casual with Buhrdur if that had happened though!

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:50 am 
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spuds4ever wrote:
Weren't the forces slightly uneven? It looks like you had waaay more points than him.

Nope, that list adds up just fine. Having just been on the recieving end of it recently its quite a nice well rounded list that can soak up the punishment while dishing out a medium amount of pain.

Aragorn is quite nice really, though he cant be everywhere all the time and he can still be killed if your not carefull.

Good batreps Xelee, your inspiring me to actaullu post/ blog insted of just play EvE all the time 8)


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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:57 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Fun battle report and pictures is always good I don't like the lists but the battle report were fun keep it up

"There are only 4 things you need in life: Lasagna, beer, a girlfriend and of course a gondor army."
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn
PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:00 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Cheers Hero of gondor,

In what way do you not like the lists?

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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:22 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I like lists with variation and with some cool banners that kind of things not 6 formations of the same strong troops with some hero's :D

But your list looks much better as that of your friend :P

"There are only 4 things you need in life: Lasagna, beer, a girlfriend and of course a gondor army."
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 Post subject: Re: WOTR 1000 pts Reunited Kingdom vs Rohan + Mumak vs Carn
PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:43 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Hi hero of gondor, I guess that is fair enough - two points though:

My army does not have six formations of the same type of troops, even if all you take into consideration is the rules in the list.

The WOTR army books do not have a whole lot of little things for variations, they are in fact quite 'bland' and really just tell you the points for whatever you are going to take without giving scope for any major army variety. There are a couple fo unit upgrades - but they basically have a huge 'don't take me unless you are foolish' sign on them. That's not a problem though, I play this game for the setting and the structure of the lists do not stop me from fielding half my warriors (used as the base, since they are the basic troop in the list) as the men from Ithilien, some more as levies from Eriador (modelled accordingly), some more as levies from Anfalas (modelled accordingly) with some of the formations marching under their own flags (but why pay 35pts just to model a unit with a flag?).

Yes, James is a 40k player and needs to stop thinking about what cool unit to take next and just apply paint to the rest of his LOTR stuff!

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