The One Ring |
tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
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Author: | Shadowswarm [ Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
Ok so today I played my first 3 games of wotr at a tourny (and ive only had the rulebook for 6days) so here's what happened (i cant remember all this perfectly so some things will be left out, and the turns my not be right, but you will get the picture) this was my list Epic Hero: Durburz - 70 Khamul the easterling (allied) - 125 Common: Goblins with shields - 6 companies - 120 Goblins with bows - 4 companies - 80 Goblins with bows - 3 companies - 60 Wargs - 4 companies - 80 Rare: Dragon - spells - 475 Cave troll - 75 Cave troll - 75 Gundabad Blackshields - 8 companies - 160 Legendary: Sharku's hunters - 3 companies - 150 fate: tokens of terror (which i put on the blackshields, but the nazgul was with them the whole time so it was of no use) Game 1: The high ground, maelstrom the objective was a structure of +3D (and all terrain was 6c capacity, cause he was such a nice guy (and such a fun opponent)) opponent had saruman lurtz 4c uruks shield (epic heros here) 2 troll capt 2c scouts bows 3c xbox w/ capt 1c beserkers 3c uruk phalax 3c mauhur's marauaders my map ![]() _________top left_____objective____right ________bottom I rolled well for this as dragon, troll, gobs w/ shields, blackshields and wargs all coming on right (none of his stuff on right), 3c archers left and 4c archers bottom his 4c uruks (lurtz and saruman) coming into top in forest, beserkers left (RIGHT BEHIND MY ARCHERS), 2c scouts bows on left into forest turn 1 I move my 4c archers into the objective 4c uruks move into a building right next to all my guys (being my first game I didnt think to put anyone there, just thought to run the objective) and kill some goblins, and str from corruption on themselves, so i didnt charge them, instead, i hit them with all my magic and fire breath(that dragon is just amazing) and killed almost 2c i shoot and kill a beserker, he shoots and kills 3ish gobs in objective beserkers annihilate 3c archers (rear charge and all that beserker stuff) turn 2(well i forget some things so some of this may be turn 3) his move beserkers move towards objective saruans formation moves away back to forest (he did magic but i cant remember - it didnt do much) troll chief arrives on left and moves at the double to objective 3c xbows arrive bottom into forest (again i didnt go in there as i for got about at the double) 2nd troll capt arrives top and moves to objective mauhurs marauders arrive bottom(a third from the left side) and move to objective 3c phalax arrives bottom left of xbows in forest My move everything on right moves toward xbows in the forest (which is a slight detour from the objective) (tried to sunder spirit, then transfix the xbows, failed, but dragon gets dark fury and kills some, also, blackshields just block the uruks, cause they cant fit in to fight the xbows) sharkus hunters arrive left, move right behind maudurs guys troll top - arrive very close to the troll capt shooting, i kill 3 beserkers, his 2c scouts kills 3ish gobs in objective, xbows fail to hurt the dragon his marauders, troll capt on left attack the objective beserkers fail to charge objective his troll capt and my troll duke it out at the top(no result) dragon, gobs w/ shield, wargs attack xbows, 13ish die, kills a few gobs in return, xbows lose but remain steadfast sharkus guys kill 12ish marauders, 1 or 2 loss in return troll kills 7ish gobs but gobs pass panic test turn 3(and mixed with 4.... it 1am so i can remember everything) My move dragon moves and tremors maraudurs, phalax and xbows (but only does marauders, forgot about phalax and xbows, but it didnt matter) killing off mauhur's marauders, then finishes moving (at the double) on left side of phalax blackshields advance on sarumans unit and shatter their shields, and kill some troll on right, gobs w/ shields, and wargs get ready to attack xbows top troll moves closer to objective, but close enough for throwing wpns btwn the trolls ![]() sharkus guys line up to attack beserkers His move phalax faces dragon top toll capt moves toward blackshields lurts uses assasins shot on khamul troll capt on left moves to attack sharkus guys ( to help the beserkers) shooting i kill 2 more beserkers he kills 3ish more gobs in objective (the scouts had been pepering them with arrows the whole time) his xbows kill some gobs top toll capt heroic charges blackshields (cause sarumans unit was weak, and i had a almost full str unit of blackshields) sharkus guys charge beserkers dragon flies a long way and attacks troll capt (this is where he knew his was doomed, which left his phalax doing nothing) troll, gobs, wargs charge xbows troll uses sarumans might to call a heroic duel, he didnt know khamul had epic strike so i killed him dragon eats the left troll capt sharkus guys eat the beserkers the xbows lose combat by a long shot and flee (this actually finished on turn 4 but this is all that really happened) so when we finished all he had was the 2c scouts in the forest on the left, saruman's unit in the forest on top, rightish side (didnt really get to do anything), and the phanlax I had the dragon, both trolls, the now 4.1c goblins with shields, 2c arhers in objective, sharkus guys, 4c wargs, blackshields down to 6.2c i get a massacre result (im overjoyed as it was my first game ever, and i had only had the rule book for 6 days) things i learned: lurtz's assasins shot is really dangerous (but never actually hurt me, just got my attention) magic is a dominant force in wotr (the dragon w/ dark fury kills with most of its hits) the dragon is freeking amazing, flying, magic everywhere, kills everything, his fireball (shooting) is so great when combined with his spells, kills so much and you never touch them cavalry charges are great combined with the prowlers rule ![]() beserkers are super dangerous if they get into the right postion trolls are terrible at fighting other trolls cave trolls are not that dangerous, dont dish out a whole lot of pain..., but its still worth having some the high str and attacking first (i learn more about trolls in game 3) Games 2 and 3 coming up tomorrow |
Author: | Shadowswarm [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:21 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
Game 2 was against someone I had breifly met before, david, a 60ish yo (incase i havnt said this, khamul was in the blackshields the whole game) The set up was Seize the prize and battle for the pass his army: Saruman, lurtz the knight of umbar 5c uruks w/ shields 4c scouts w/ captain 1c wild men 3c scouts w/ bows 1 itroll (call it itroll for isendgard troll... so i dont get it mixed up w/ mine) 1 itroll capt 4c morgul knights(they never did anything, just sat in the back) the objectives were: 2 semi close to his side, 1 in the middle, 2 close to my side deployment I deployed my 4c archers right behind a forest on the leftish side that an objective was in 3c arhers behind a hill on the right ish side, objective was on the hill blackshields middle 6c gobs w/ durburz right of the hill troll btwn gobs w/ sh and the hill troll, sharkus guys, and wargs on the left side (in that order from left to right) and dragon was behind the 6c gobs His deployment(from my angle) 5c uruks middle w/ saruman and lurtz wild men left of 5c uruks scouts w/ bows far left itroll behind scouts w/ bows 4c scouts far right knights behind 5c uruks (about 8'' behind) itroll capt rightish behind 5c uruks movement (i let him go first) he moves 5c uruks and 4c scouts at the double straight ahead, scouts get objective wild men move forward and get objective everything else just moves forward Me 6c gobs move forward (should of moved at the double) troll on the right moves foward blackshields move at the double and get objective in the middle (knight of umbar kills 6 uruks and str from corruption on himself) both archer formations move forward and get objective (4c in forest, 3c on hill) troll, sharkus guys, wargs move forward and the dragon moves forward at the double and get dark fury, shatters the 4c scout's shields permanently, and kills 7 of them w/ tremor shooting 3c archers on hill kill 3 scouts w/ no more shields his scouts hit 4 blackshields, but khamuls ability reflects one to 5c uruks charges dragon charges 4c scouts (5c uruks and my blackshields fail to charge each other because we both rolled to low) in the fight phase the dragon kills ALOT of scouts, turn 2 Me dragon's magic kills lots of scouts (1.1c remaining) troll, sharkus guys move forward, wargs move forward and then right to threaten 5c uruks flank khamul kills more uruks and enfeebles them (didnt get to do black dart this or last turn cause of failed focus rolls) black shields move a bit closer to the 5c uruks 6c gobs move forward right troll moves forward Him the knight of umbar moves to the 5c uruks and tries to blackdart khamul, but does nothing Saruman shatters the blackshields shields, and kills more goblins, and counters enfeeble on his formation (formation doesnt move) scouts w/ bows make room for troll to move by shooting 3c archers kill 2 uruks from the 5c uruk formation his 3c scouts kill 1 warg lurtz assasin shots khamul charging (5c uruks and my blackshields fail to charge each other again (he rolls two 1s for charge, and saruman stopped me)) dragon charges the scouts sharkus guys gets and unstopable charge into the scouts w/ bows ![]() troll on the left charges the itroll wargs fail to charge the 5c uruks the dragon decimates the scouts and takes the objective sharku's guys kill 14 scouts, and only lose 1 in return the troll fight was ridiculous, he fails the courage check, and doesnt hurt me, (my cave trolls seem to be invulnerable to other trolls, even if they are much bigger ![]() turn 3 My move dragon moves to threaten the 5c uruks 6c goblins move forward troll on right moves forward khamul does nothing but kill a few uruks sharkus guys line up against the scouts again wargs move very close to 5c uruks flank 3c archers move forward (were out of range) His move SARUMAN!!! epic ruination... and the fact that i had a bunch of stuff around his formation of 5c uruks(he had been reviving them throughout the game). then proceeds to cast tremor on.... the blackshields, the wargs, sharkus guys, the dragon and his 1c wildmen!! it kill 5 goblins, 2 wargs, 2 of sharku's hunters, 1 wound on the dragon and 3 of the wildmen (this is where i learn just how good tremor can be.... and i have a dragon that can move at the double and fly and has spells of ruin at mastery of 3.... hmm), and i cant remember what else he did then the knight of umbar blackdarted khamul.... thankfully he failed focus so i was saved from the rest of his magic the troll capt moved towards the dragon everything just slightly rearanges his shooting does nothing to sharkus raiders he calls a heroic charge with saruman, charging the wargs so they dont destroy his 5c uruks I then fail to charge the 5c uruks with the blackshields and the dragon sharkus guys charge the scouts the trolls duel again his itroll capt charges the dragon in the fight phase: the 5c uruks only kill 2 wargs!! (he only got 1c in contact with them) the itroll puts 2 wounds on the dragon, but the dragon puts 2 wounds on him the trolls do nothing to each other sharku's raiders kill off the scouts turn 4 didnt really happen cause we had only enough time for that last turn, i got priority and did what goblins do naturally - run away from anything scary, the dragon called a heroic move and so ran a long, long long long.... long long way away. then the blackshields ran away... and well anything that had an objective (i had 4 of them) ran while everything else blocked them, so we called it a game there the final result was me with 4 objectives and him with 1 and so my second game was also a massacre result things to note: so far, nobody dares to touch the blackshields because of khamuls ability, but once hes gone then they dont hold back, BUT them and the 6c goblins never got into combat (even though the blackshields and the 5c uruks were staring at each other the whole time) things i learned: saruman is REALLY good, as he did so much damage in various ways blackdart drains might I need to use heroic actions more, expecialy with durburz as he has overlord (could of had the blackshields call a heroic move at the last turn to make sure there was no way they would be touched) I need to get some banners (well drums are what goblins get, but they dont come cheap....) game 3 tomorrow (this was the game where I learn a few hints and tricks from my opponent) |
Author: | spuds4ever [ Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
Looking very good so far. Lol, sharku the rebel ![]() |
Author: | Shadowswarm [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:18 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
Ok so i finally found some time to write game 3 So first off, its another isengard player (almost half of the ppl played isengard). although, he did also play goblins, haradrim, ummm everything (including some 40k armies and fantasy... along with all the other minorites....) the games was field of swords and shieldwalls his list was something like this: saruman (cant remember if he had lurtz) khamul the easterling thrydan wolfsbane (R3, epic strike, inspiring leader men, 50PTS!!?!?!?!!) 4c uruks, banner (saruman and khamul in here) 4c uruks, banner 4curuks, banner (thrydan in here) 3c xbows 3 isengard troll capt.... (everyone seems to love these guys....) he deployed first like this (from my pt of view) thrydans f._troll_xbows_troll_saruman's/khamul's f_troll_uruks _ is a small gap btwn them... it was a pretty good shieldwall, (his army was closer to the right side than the left) thrudan's guys are kinda behind a forest(their a bit to the left of it), the regular uruks are behind a hill My deployment dragon_wargs_____4c bows_troll_blackshields(khamul)_gobs(durburz)_troll_3c arhers______sharkus guys the 4c arhers are directly behind a hill, the 3c archers are directly behind a forest as soon as i saw his deployment i know that it was not going to be easy, as there were no weak pts in his army or deployent.... (the first 2 ppl had some pretty big weak pts) so he goes first and as soon as he makes a few moves i know that im going to lose His Movement He moves the left and middle trolls at the double towards durburz (the troll on the right moves toward them but fails at the double)(this where i knew i was going to lose, cause i couldnt move my 6c gobs forward, so if i was to move the blackshields forward then they would get flanked, so i couldnt move or attack with my 2 main formations....) then he moves saruman/khamul up close to them (a bit at an angle - facing the blackshields), then proceeds to bombard me with magic, shatters shields, kills goblins... then moves thrydans formation back, so that a front corner is touching the xbows and the other the board edge (so the dragon and wargs cant flank) and the regular uruks move forward Me So im in a real pickle, if i move my blackshileds forward, they will get flanked by either the xbows or sarumans formation. i cast str from corruption on the closest troll, inflicting 2 wounds, and try to stop sarumans formaion from charging but fail... so i dont move the blackshields much (just a little forward and facing saruman a little - so im not within the xbows kill zone (12'')) sharkus guys move forward dragon moves at the double and casts tremor on thrydans formation, but then fails focus (got the dragon's spell order down now - dark fury - shatter shields - tremor/bolt of fire/ excisiccate), then moved him out of their charge range wargs cant move at the double and so just move forward (so slow compared to the dragon) shooting: he kills 4 or 6 gobs from the 6c gobs (more like 4.3c now) charging i dont charge the dragon as im not sure he could take on thrydan and the 4c uruks only charges is by the 2 furtherest itroll capts, both charging the once was 6c goblins fight i heroic duel and epic strike a troll capt with durburz, killing it, but fail to hurt the other one (the one close to the blackshields with 2 wounds). i got pummeled even more by the other troll capt. Turn 2 His move thrydan and xbows dont move regular 4c uruks move forward a little the close troll capt moves away from the blackshields a bit (but still right in front of the gobs) the other troll cpt moves toward the archers in the forest sarumans blasts my gobs even more and kills my troll on the right of the gobs with srt through corruption, then khamul tries to black dart durburz, i resist and roll a 3.. forgetting that it will burn my might i dont use the other might pt to make it a 4....(but it didnt hurt me, just burnt the other might pt), sarumans f doesnt move My move The dragon gets dark fury, then tremors, but fails focus (for shatter shields...) the wargs move up next to the dragon the blackshields move out a bit toward saurmans f. khamul fails all his magic and focus rolls the troll on the left of the blackshields moves to their left front corner, so they cant get flanked (but in the death range of the xbows) durburz runs away to the archers in the forest (after last turns fighting, and this turns magic there were 2c left) sharkus guys get a side flank on the 4c uruks shooting his troll infront of the gobs chucks a rock and kills 2 gobs the xbows kill my troll ![]() sharkus guys kill 1 uruk and my archers kill his troll infront of my gobs! charges his right troll fails to charge me in the forest the dragon and wargs charge thrydans f sharkus guys charge the uruks in the side (rolled a 5, i was thinking about using a pt of might to make it a 6, but decide not to) fighting sharkus guys almost kill 2c (1 guy left) and in return 2c get killed (so i should of used the might pt! those uruks hit hard, even if im on their flank!) the dragon gets dueled by thrydan, but its a draw the dragon kills a few uruks and the wargs dont kill much... (D7! i so needed shatter shields), i killed 1.1c and in return he kills 2c of wargs 8( (by this time its looking pretty bleak, both trolls are dead, the dragon and wargs cant get through thrydan, sharkus guys got wolloped, my gobs got demolished, and i cant attack with the blackshields) so turn 3 my move durburz goes back into the gobs (1.6componies) and they run away behind the blackshields sharkus guys move behind the uruks the dragon gets dark fury and moves a bit to tremor thrydans f and the xbows, the wargs move out of temor range then set up for another charge my 4c arhers that were on the hill doing nothing move down to help the blackshields (what i should of done in the first place) khamul tries to do something with magic, he tries to stop the xbows from shooting but fails, and then black darts saruman, but its blocked his move the regular uruks turn around saruman and khamul move to thrydans f. and then blast the dragon with spells, tremor (killing a warg and causing 1 wound on the dragon, and killing 4 xbows), str from corruption (another wound on the dragon), bolt of fire (another wound on the dragon). saruman replenishes the ranks. (cant remember what else they did) sarumans old formation moves to the left, blocking the xbows and coming infront of the blackshields and the archers shooting my 3c arhers in the forest fail to even cause a single hit on the troll right in front of them sharku chucks a stick that bounces off an uruk charges the wargs and dragon charge thrydan/khamul/saruman and the 3c uruks sharku charges the uruks (2 warg riders against 2.1c of uruks...) THE BLACKSHIELDS FAIL TO CHARGE THE URUKS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!! and khamul used his might to resist a spell, so i couldnt change it his troll capt charges the gobs in the forest fighting the trolls kills 5 guys for not even a singe hit in return (out of shooting and fighting, 36 dice rolled, not a singe 6), and the gobs run out of the forest the dragon and wargs kill off 10 uruks the dragon gets hit hard but in the end only takes 4 more wounds (up to 7 now) the wargs lose 1c sharku kills 2 uruks before getting mutilated we call it a game their as we were runnig out of time and it was clear that i was going to lose (there was this guy watching the game half the time, he had the mordor battle host full of trolls, he wiped out his opponent on the 3rd or 4th turn) what i should of done attack immediatly with the blackshields and hope khamul doesnt die in a duel, relying on khamuls save to live and to kill the enemy (but what happens when 2 khamuls fight? they would keep reflecting....) made sharkus guys larger (although i couldnt at the time, thats the largest i could make them) cause they died so fast attack with the dragon much earlier and use the spell order i said above attack with the 4c bows cause i should of known that they wouldnt of gotten to shoot (although they would have had to walk right n front of the xbows... if only khamul could of stopped them...) if i was able to i would switch out a troll and 1c from the 4c archers for druzhag and get some drums, as i really needed them, well i would of gotten alot of thing differently, but this is about all that i had to bring anyway. so what was left wargs with 2-4c dragon with 7 wounds (once you get him to 5 wounds, then he becomes very easy to wound, and so dies shortly after) blackshields 8c archers 4c archers 2-3c khamul durburz 2c gobs him uruks 3c (regular) uruks 4c (was sarumans f) troll capt 2c uruks all his heros 3c xbows (but were only 1-2 left in the 3rd c) |
Author: | spuds4ever [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
Well done! Winning 2 out of 3 of your first wotr games is excellent ![]() |
Author: | Shadowswarm [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: tourny 1500pts, Misty mountains overview (wotr) |
the last guy won the tourny, and when i was playing him i found out that he had SO MANY ARMIES. he had 7!! mumuks, a far east army to go with that, misty mountains, umm just about every army. and he also plays warhammer, 40k, and all those other games.... so if he knew that there was going to be so many isengard then he would of taken another army... Ya, Im really happy that i won my first 2 games, although the first game was really easy, he wasnt that good as he didnt really try to get the objective, but he was THE MOST FUN GUY TO VS. ever. he won the sportsmanship award |
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