The One Ring

Faramir lies wounded
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Author:  Angularity [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Faramir lies wounded

This is more a suggestion of an interesting scenario, rather than a report. As I am too new to the game to give too many specifics, hopefully you'll be able to take the general idea and make a good game of it. This scenario is based on a review of a WWII board game I read years ago, and stored for future reference. It's a game for two players, or two plus an umpire. I haven't played it myself, so I'd welcome any reviews/suggestions.

The Pellenor. A small farmstead, 3-5 buildings, central to the table, with a larger house in the dead centre. The terrain should have a few defensible features (hedges, banks, copses), but must be divided N-S by a track, and be symmetrical either side of the track.

Returning from Osgiliath across the Pellenor Fields, Faramir has fallen, shot by a Southron arrow. The Gondorian troops nearest to him have carried him to a farmstead to protect him. Fighting swirls around, as the armies of Minas Morgul and their Mannish allies seek to kill the Steward's son.

Both players have to capture Faramir, while simultaneously defending him from capture. If no-one gets him before time runs out, then whoever gets nearest wins.

Each player controls two armies, a small (c. 400 points) Gondorian force that they pick themselves, AND a larger (c. 1000 point) Evil force that they also pick themselves. The only restriction I would put is that it's probably better not to include a Mumak in this game. One player defends within 12" of the centre, looking East (180 degrees from N-S through E), while the other defends the Western half of the table. Simultaneously, the guy defending the East is attacking the Western half with his evil army. So, each player wants to break through as quickly as possible, while delaying his opponent at the same time.

Prince Imrahil and the Gondor cavalry will arrive after a certain time, at which point the game ends. I'll leave it to you to decide when that is.

Other instructions/suggestions:
If you want larger forces, keep the ratios around 2.5:1 Evil:Good, to give the bad guys a chance.
Roll for priority as normal, but give it to either Good OR Evil, rather than a particular player.
Faramir is in the central building, unguarded. All the defending troops can get within 1" of that building, but must not cross the N-S track into the other guy's half. If they're driven out of their own sector, give them one turn to get back, otherwise they break and run. Likewise, attackers can stay into the other sector for one turn, but may not obstruct someone else's attack.

Let me know how you get on.

Author:  Raggbur [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Faramir lies wounded

Maybe you could post it on the scenario-creator, that's why its there

Author:  Angularity [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Faramir lies wounded

Raggbur wrote:
Maybe you could post it on the scenario-creator, that's why its there

Have you got a link? I can't find it.

Author:  Raggbur [ Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Faramir lies wounded

Well, it's not a program or something, just a topic where people look on and ask or give scenarios (just one ask and already 4 creations just to give an example):
works ?

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