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 Post subject: Battle Report: Dragon (and minions) Vs. Elves
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:14 am 
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Hi, I'm new to the website and would like to know how to add pictures to my upcoming battle report.

The Backstory to the Battle:

6 long years ago, I bought 3 second hand BGiMe magazines, complete with unpainted minatures. I managed to get the 1st issue with 12 goblins.
Since then I've been looking for more ways to expand my now (largish) moria army and make it more capable of slaugtering my little bro's wood elf and high elf warriors and heroes. The dragon was the best addition to this army along with an allied contingent of warg riders.

The purpose if the battle is to let my little bro field most of the white council and Elrond in a scenario with wood elves and high elves. I also want to prove that a 350 point dragon kill plenty of his heroes.

A Force list is coming on Friday Afternoon and write up on Saturday/Sunday evening/night.

It might be a long battle.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:10 am 
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I'll certainly be watching this thread. I am building a goblin force myself and have been wondering if the dragons are better than they look. :o
anyways I look forward to reading your battle report.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:25 am 
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Dragon_Of_Moria to upload pics:

1) Make sure it's on your computer. Preferably drag the pic to your desktop.

2) Go to a website, such as PhotoBucket or TinyPic. Go to upload pictures.

3) Select and upload pictures

4) Move your mouse over the pic, their should be an IMG code. Copy-paste it in a new post, and walla! It should be there. :)

I would have pointed you to a little guide already on this site, however I can't find it. :roll:

Hope that helps!

Looking forward to the battle report! :-D

Flying is the practice of trying to crash into the ground and missing.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:16 pm 
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:D A battle report with pictures. :D Good luck with crushing those pesky elves with the might of Moria. (Yes, I am a Moria player) :twisted:
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:31 pm 
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The Dragon has been worth the £35 price tag (price when I got it), I'm yet to lose a battle with it in my force. In the last secenario I played it managed to devour Glorfindel, Lord of The West; Galadriel (war aspect); Erestor and Elrond, Master of Rivendell.

However I probably wouldn't have needed a Dragon if I hadn't bought The White Council and a box of wood elves when I wanted to be the Good guys.
(That's why my little bro has a nice selection of good heroes and some wood elves). The biggest reason for buying it was to counteract his High Elves and Glorfindel.

Anyway back on topic, thanks for telling me how to post pictures and the force lists are going to be posted in about an hour.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:36 pm 
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Force list:

Good: 744pts

Main Contigent From Rivendell

-Elrond, Master of Rivendell
-Erestor (with elven cloak)
-Glorfindel, Lord of the West

-12 Elf Warriors
--8 with elven blades
--4 with elf bows

Allied Contingent from Thranduil's Halls


-12 Wood Elf Warriors
--4 with elf bows
--4 with wood elf spears
--4 with elven blades

Evil: 749pts

Main Contingent from Moria

--Moria Goblin Captain with shield

--Moria Goblin Captain with Orc bow

--Moria Goblin Shaman

-24 Goblin Warriors
--8 with orc bows
--8 with spears
--8 with shields

Allied Contingent from Barad-Dur

-Orc Captain
--with warg

-6 warg riders
--2 with shields
--2 with throwing spears
--1 with orc bow
--1 with banner

Allied Contingent from the Monsters of Middle Earth

Slivlaug, The Blue Dragon
-Dragon with tough hide and fly

Last edited by The_Dragon_of_Moria on Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:00 pm 
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looks like it will be a great battle :-D Ive never thought of giving a goblin shaman a shield, I just might have to do some converting!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:45 pm 
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It's pretty obvious the Dragon force will win. The rules for this game favour quantity over quality, and he's too hero-heavy. He should skip Erestor and either Elrond or Glorfindel, and beef up the troops to almost double their current level. After he breaks you in the first 2 turns and mops up the rest, you'll be rolling courage every turn, and with each wound (though wounds aren't likely...)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:47 pm 
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StinkenChicken wrote:
looks like it will be a great battle :-D Ive never thought of giving a goblin shaman a shield, I just might have to do some converting!

Goblin shamans can't have shields.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:35 am 
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My mistake, I was writing so quickly I forgot to think, I didn't mean for it to have a shield. :shock:

I might tell my little bro that, a few more Wood Elves would boost his chances of victory, especialy with those annoying wood elf spears. :-X

My favoured army combines a strong hero/monster (in this case Dragon) with some weaker heroes (for Stand Fast! and more Heroic Move) and a nice amount of horde warriors.

My little bro relies on strong heroes and elite warriors. Effective against Goblins on their own or allied with wargs but can be beaten with Dragon and/or Bat swarms.

My odds of victory in future scenarios should increase as I ordered 2 bat swarms and a Prowler blister so that I have 9 prowlers. 8)
(I already converted 6 of my original goblins into prowlers)
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:42 am 
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The_Dragon_of_Moria wrote:
I might tell my little bro that, a few more Wood Elves would boost his chances of victory, especialy with those annoying wood elf spears. :-X

He might do even better using the Twins rather than Glorfindel. Twice the attacks and Might for about the same points. And he can only hope the dragon kills one, then the other gets str 5 attacks. He'll be the only one on the board who "only" needs a 6 to wound :)

My odds of victory in future scenarios should increase as I ordered 2 bat swarms and a Prowler blister so that I have 9 prowlers. 8)
(I already converted 6 of my original goblins into prowlers)

Yep, I love bats when I play goblins.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:20 pm 
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He doesn't have the twins (yet...)
I was going to get them as a Christmas present for him since he likes the way they look (and fight).

He was wondering whether or not to buy some Wood Elf Sentinels as well.

Elrond, Master of Rivendell is especially annoying to my warg riders, (why did I have to get the rules from the White Dwarf Archive...)
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:41 pm 
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The scenario is about to begin.

It is called: Call Forth The Dragon: The Rise of Slivlaug

The Dragon, Slivlaug, has been sending more and more of his minions to Mirkwood in order to aid th evil which lurks there. A small contingent of High Elves, led by Elrond have ventured to the Misty Mountains in order to slay The Blue Dragon. They were met by a contingent of wood elves led by a rival elven ruler, Thranduil. This battle represents an encounter at the foot hils of the misty mounitains and there first encounter with the Dragon.

Participants: See Above


30"/76cm by 30"/76cm Board.

Starting Positions:

The Good Side places there models within 3"/8cm of the Eastern Board edge. The Evil side places the Moria Contingent within 3"/8cm of the Western Board edge. The Dragon is brought on as reinforcements on the 3rd turn at the Northen board edge. The Barad-Dur Contingent arrive as reinforcements from the Northern board edge from turn 3 on ward on the roll of a 4+.


The Good side must reduce the Moria Goblins to 25% of their starting force and kill 2 evil heroes OR slay the Dragon.
The Evil side wins if they slay EVERY elf warrior OR reduce the Good side to 25% of starting force and slay 2 heroes

Special Rules:

Thranduil is a proud induvidual. As the elf warriors are part of 2 seperate contingents, Wood Elves will only use Thranduil's Stand Fast! and benifit from his Heroic Actions. Also both sides count separately when determining whether the force is Broken or not
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:47 pm 
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And now for the battle report.

The layout is shown below.
(I hope you like the large detailed pictures)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:25 pm 
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IMPORTANT: This only covers 6 turns out of 9. It is not finished yet, please be patient.

Prior to the first turn:
Thanks to Elrond, Master of Rivendell and Foresight of the Eldar he rolls a dice to see how many foresight points he gets. Rolls a 5.

Turn 1

Priority: Automatically Good

Move Phase:
After this he moves his elves 6" closer to my Goblins. He moves his wood elves 3" in order to shoot in the shoot phase.
I move my Goblins 2.5" hoping that I can shoot his wood elves then discover that I can't.

Shoot Phase:
Only the elves can shoot. Two elves land a hit but fail to wound.

Fight Phase:

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 2"></a>[/b]

Turn 2

Priority: Good: 6 Evil: 5
Note: My Brother used 1 foresight point to reduce his score to 5 in order to lose priority. Evil Priority.

Move Phase:
I move all of my Goblins 2.5" so that they can fire in the shoot phase. I then measure the distance and find out I can.
My little brother moves his High Elves in an arc to face the Goblins and moves his Wood Elves 3".

Shoot Phase:
The Goblins don't land a single hit. :-X
The wood elf archers land 4 hits on my Goblins with shields. One of them scores a wound on a Goblin.

Fight Phase:

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 3"></a>

Turn 3

Priority: Good: 1 Evil: 3
The Dragon arrives!!!

Move Phase:
I move my Goblins (once again) 2.5".I Then move the newly arrived Dragon 3" and make sure to keep it out of range from being charged by good models.
My brother moves his High Elves into a strategic formation he moves all of
Wood Elves 6".

Shoot Phase:
The Goblins shoot and land a few hits but they all fail to wound.
My brother couldn't shoot.

Fight Phase:

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 4"></a>

Turn 4

Priority: Good: 6 Evil: 3
Reinforcements of Warg Riders arrive on roll of a 5

Move Phase:

Elrond moves 6" in an attempt to charge the Dragon but is a few inches short. Glorfindel charges Azghur, the Goblin Captain. Erestor charges a Goblin with shield. Main elven contingent moves to charge the goblins and majority of Wood Elves charge the goblins. Brother moves Thranduil and his archers closer to the back of my Goblin formation.
I charged Elrond with the Dragon. Moved the Shaman to make sure it was in range of all combats.

Shoot Phase:

With majority of elves and goblins in combat and wood elves moved 6" no Shoot Phase.

Fight Phase:

The Dragon won the fight against Elrond and then proceded to land 6 wounds on Elrond (Two 6's, Four 5's) thanks to Draconic Charge. Elrond was slain outright as my brother used up all his fate points and failed to save a single wound. Glorfindel won the fight against Azghur and struck a wound against the goblin captain, (which the captain failed to save with fate, rolling a 1). Erstor, unsurprisingly, slew a goblin with shield. The goblins only manged to kill one High Elf warrior. The High Elves and Wood elves, (being evenly matched in number to the Goblins at this time), slew 4 goblins with shield and 2 goblins with bows.

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 5"></a>

Turn 5

Priority: Good: 5 Evil: 2

Move Phase:

Erestor and Glorfindel charge the Goblin Captain with Bow. The High Elves and Wood Elves move in to charge even more goblins. The Wood Elf archers move 3" closer to the back of the goblin formation.
The Dragon was moved away from the fighting in order to have line of sight of Thranduil and his archers. The wargs move closer to the wood elves. Goblins not in combat re-group.

Shoot Phase:

Thranduil scored a hit on a warg rider and managed to wound the rider. The steed fled.

Fight Phase:

Erestor and Glorfindel slew Burdak, Goblin Captain with bow. The High Elves slay 2 goblins wih shield. Wood Elves killed 2 goblins with bow.
However, the goblins manged to strike back and kill 2 Wood Elves with elven blades and a Wood Elf with spear.

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 6"></a>

Turn 6

Priority: Good: 4 Evil: 4
Priority goes to the evil side

Move Phase:

The Dragon chages Thranduil. Two Warg riders charge 2 Wood Elf bowmen each to prevent them from supporting Thranduil. Goblins charge the High Elves and Wood Elves . The Orc Captain charges Glorfindel. Azghur charges Erestor.
Five High Elves reposition themselves in order to prepare to charge more goblins.

Shoot Phase:
All bow armed in combat or cannot shoot.

Fight Phase:
The Dragon wins the fight against Thranduil and procedes to land 4 wounds on the Wood Elf King (One 6, Two 5's and One 4). Thranduil is slain. Glorfindel loses the fight against the Orc Captain and suffer one wound which is saved with 1 fate point. Azghur suffers 2 wounds from Erestor and fails to save 1. Azghur is slain. The two warg riders which accompanied the Dragon slay all the bow armed Wood Elves. A Wood Elf swordsman is killed by the goblins and a High Elf manged to slay a bow armed goblin.

Total Kills

<a href="¤t=Turn7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Turn 7"></a>

Last edited by The_Dragon_of_Moria on Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:05 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:47 am 

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Wow, do you guys ever play with terrain?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:18 am 
Elven Warrior
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Nice report, but your pics are too big. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:00 pm 
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@Suladans Chosen

all of my 8 homemade terrain trees were wrecked and broken by my 2 Cats.
Also I don't know where the rest of my terrain has gone. :sad:

@Anduril Blade of Kings

Yeah, sorry for the large pictures. I'll have smaller ones for the Final Thoughts on the Battle.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:08 pm 
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Six out of Nine turns posted, Can you Guess who won yet?
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:45 pm 
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Not trying to be mean, this for real? If so, your bro needs to learn some tactics.

First: what is the point of elf bows if you don't use them? Why charge full when you can't reach, and lose a turn of shooting? He should be hanging back, even backing up, and at least maneuvering to shoot any goblin spears after combat has started.

Second: why did he charge Elrond against the dragon? The only guy on the field who has a chance against the dragon is Glorfindel, and even then it would be rash.
Elrond: stay with the troops, throw Nature's Wrath against the enemy, let the Elves all do the cuisinart dance on the goblin skulls, turn around and do the same to the wargs...then and only then consider facing the dragon.
Glorfindel: at least back the guy up with a spear.

On a different note, just curious because I didn't see it mentioned: did the Dragon roll his courage to charge Elrond? Did Erestor use his throwing daggers? Did Thranduil use his crown?
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