The One Ring

'Great Battles of Beleriand' supplement continuation
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Author:  Ulkatur [ Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  'Great Battles of Beleriand' supplement continuation

Hi everybody.

I want to introduce you to the project I'm going to refer to in this post ;)

It began on 28 June 2007 A.D., when I've finally decided to make my ideas come to life ;) I was dreaming about a first supplement, made totally by our nation, coming Polish at first, then translated into other languages (as it was soon after I finished the translation of Fall of Gondolin supplement by Andy_son_of_Richard ;)).

The main topic of it is 'Great Battles of Beleriand', and it depicts the five most important battles of those times. I found many people, willing to help, skillful, loyal and hard-working ;)

Unfortunately, some of them gave up - they had to much other work, they lost interest et cetera... There are still few bigots, still keeping the project alive with me, but we finally decided it's heading nowhere, if we are going to pull it on ourselves.

And there comes my question to you, One-ringers! Highly to the administration, but it's 'only' about the place to continue work. Main question is: would YOU like to help US in finishing off this great project? Or are you going to let it fall into the abyss of lost memory? :roll:

What's already done:
- main body, points and targets to acomplish
- some scenarios (the greatest part of 'to do' list ;))
- great number of new profiles
- some conversions
- the basic graphical layout

What needs to be done:
- scenarios
- some consultation of the overall effect
- all the descriptions needed

So, who do we need?
- scenarios specialists (more the merrier, from my experience three couldn't do anything ;))
- some really good English text writers and proof readers (so the English edition of the supplement won't suck in language used ;))
- anyone else with good engagement, useful skills or ideas.

What do we offer in return? :P
- the supplement will come out in both languages at the same time ;)
- the co-operation of both teams, both Polish and... Worldish? English-speaking? :roll:
- well... no more ideas. Eternal glory? :P

And, finally, there comes a great request to the administration for giving us some room to work over the project :) After all, we could work on a forum, made specially for this occasion, but I'm it'll be much more comfortable, if we stay on one site :) And, of course, it brings you credit in the supplement :D

With cheers and hail,
Ulkatur ;)

P.S. I don't know if it's the right place for such request, but I followed Andy's footsteps and found this place as the origination of Children of Hurin, so I thought it'll be a right place ;)

Author:  Valandil of Andúnië [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did this die? Or is it still alive somewhere? I hope it is as I'd love to sink some time and energy into a project like this...

Author:  Theonekoolness [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm a willing volunteer if you'd like me :)

Author:  Gorb@g [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Me too, but what is Beleriand (not being critical, just hasn`t read silmarillion :( )

Author:  Valandil of Andúnië [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beleriand is the land in Middle-Earth where Men and Elves first arrived, the Valar invited the Elves to Valinor in the West, the Elves that remained are kinsmen to those in Mirkwood.

Basically, its the land of the Elder Days (First Age) where Morgoth, the First Dark Lord set about ruling the world. Lots of brilliant stories of adventures and battles in that land. Really good.

Author:  BaruKhazad [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: ... =beleriand
a thread about the map of beleriand:3

Author:  masterkid [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

so thats Beleriand, i would like to help, :yay: what sort of size do you want the scenarios :roll:

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