So Saturday our Chicago Hobbit league ran an event nearly straight out of the Desolation of Smaug book. I've see on other battle reps and heard that these scenarios arent the most balanced, and now I can attest that they are pretty broken.
Thankfully the organizer of this event I believe under the name MWL Rambo on here did modify them well to be bearable.
I wasnt aware we had a painting minimum on this event so I took an army I ordinarily wouldnt have. I still did enjoy it.
800 points
Goblin King
12 goblins
Groblog, Shaman, and Ashrak
24 goblins
2 cave troll, 1 dweller, and 3 marauders
Basically the first scenario seemed ok in terms of deployment to an extent. But realistically, the fact that the attacker places his entire army first either leaves you with a wall of troops, or your army pieced apart and destroyed likely. I chose to make an L shape around my opponent. Basically, even with heroic moves and priority chasing my opponent, this game ended with a giant block cluster of troops as he ran into the corner to protect his general. Not even four monsters, a massive amount of troops, and all my might could let me kill fast enough for all the Vps.
I won 2-0 over a witch King led Angmar force. BOY, was that shade a pain in the Hobbit hole. Overall I'd rate this scenario a 5/10. The deployment is a bit goofy, and the book vps are ridiculous. Wouldnt want to play this again unless modified.
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jpg imagesAs you can see in the photos here's my horde going after his leaders warbands the wraith and some orcs defending.
I chased him to no avail. I did do the better of the killing but simply ran out of time.
My monsters did some work. I got to within his last two will of his wraith to get max vps.
Highlight of the match overall for me was his channeled black dart against a cave troll that he mighted to kill it in one go! That took courage to risk that and what a move. The troll never made it to combat.
In addition one of my marauders made it to combat, shot through an in the way, hit the witch kings horse and killed it.....hahaha rolled a 6, 4, 2, and a 5/6. Excellent.
Second scenario was Blockade. I hate it......
Simply put in this event, two of our eight people had Nazgul on fell beasts as their leaders.
I ended this game with 0 points because it was physically impossible to stop a flying model lol. My opponent had an always cool Mordor army with two ringwraiths, morannons, and black numenoreans helped by two trolls, one a chief.
Basically my weak bows did nothing the whole game. My marauders did some cool stuff. We ended up fighting and I did do some damage to his army and kept him on the board for much longer than I expected but when it comes down to it his shieldwall held off my monsters long enough to escape flying over me killing some goblins on the way out.
I lost with 0 vps. Because it ended so quickly, nobody even broke each other. Luckily I played this event with all friends I knew which made it bearable haha.
Scenario rating: 4/10
Any scenario that expects to give you vps for breaking or wounding each other but makes you run away just makes no sense to me, even though i understand the idea.
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image hosting freeAs you guys can see there the battle eventually made it to my lower left side, and we scrapped there. I had success with my Goblin King and Dweller and marauders did well. When it came down to it, his tactical movement and magic use slowed my heavy hitters while he smashed through lines of goblin scum haha.
Final scenario was seize the prize. Arguably the best.
I actually was headed home early since another member left. I was going to balance out the event but the host asked me to stay when another member left. This wasnt quite a serious event but just to get together.
Anyway with the situation as it was, MWL Rambo and I played the last game in a silly manner. I dont know the final vps but nobody did anything memorable.
I literally heroic moved up, snatched the prize, and put lines of models in front of my dweller who had it to prevent being compelled by Saruman. I ran back to my spawn like a coward and threw him in the back as I tried to get myself broken against his army.
It was Treebeard with three ents, an eagle, Saruman. I liked it haha.
Basically I took out a couple ents because he said screw it and rushed in. We had fun, rolled some dice, etc.
These three pictures sum up our style for this silly game lol:
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photo upload sitesThose goblins were my rear line, the other photo is my special units running up to grab the prize, and the other photo was his trees wreaking havoc while being swarmed.
Lol, all in all this was probably the best scenario by the book. Id give it a 6/10
Overall though, you can take the prize off any table edge.....IDIOCY.
Basically they designed it so whoever has a faster army more equipped to run up and grab it can win. Luckily Rambo modified this to be opposing edge.
Regardless these scenarios were built for people to run away, and I hate it.
Enough tournaments end with players going to hide in corners and run and shoot and make the game boring. I dont believe this book helps it at all. Ill stick to the normal scenarios for my personal play in the future.
But hey we tried it, and had a lot of fun.
Thanks to my opponents Lee, Terry, and Paul.
Everyone always has a great attitude at our events and theres no reason to not enjoy the day even if the scenarios were not my favorite. Till next time folks.
Any questions guys, ask away. I know I was short with some details.