The One Ring

Painting the green stone of Erebor
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Author:  Frogmortonjustice65 [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Painting the green stone of Erebor


I'm planning on buying a few of the new BOFA miniatures, and trying to create bases that look as though they are within the lonely mountain.

The chronicles book for DoS describes how the stone walls and floors of Erebor are meant to be a jade green color with quartz and gold veins.

Has anybody attempted to paint this yet, or have any ideas on what the best approach would be to paint that type of green color?

I was thinking:

basecoat of Caliban/Dark Angel's Green
dry brush of caliban/dark angel's green mixed with dawnstone grey
dry brush of a lighter green color mixed with dawnstone grey
Agrax Earthshade wash
flecks of shining gold?

Wondering if any of you had thoughts about how to best replicate this atmosphere. I think it would really make my minis look superb!

Author:  Frogmortonjustice65 [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the green stone of Erebor

a screen capture of Erebor as seen in AUJ, for reference: ... play_media

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the green stone of Erebor

Google mini painting marble effect. Use those techniques with colors like your greens, warm whites, maybe a yellow and earthshade. ... ble-bases/

Here is one from hot lead. It covers green marble specifically,

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the green stone of Erebor

Having done this myself using the old LOTR SBG Moria Starter Set stone pillars, I find the best way of achieving this Erebor stone effect is simply painting grey marble as you would normally, and once the effect is complete, using a mix of Biel-Tan Green and Nuln Oil to wash the entire surface. I used three very light coats of the wash allowing 20 minutes drying-time between coats. I also did one side of the columns at a time, so in total the final look took approximately 4 hours for the four Moria pillars (drying-time), and maybe half an hour to apply the twelve coats to each column. It's not a strenuous process and I found the final result was impressive to say the least.

Hope this helps. :)

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the green stone of Erebor

Yep i have employed a similar scheme to Wise Old Elf on the pillars of my Smaug base and I like how it turned out. Although I also added a little Agrax Earthshade to the Biel-tan/Nuln Oil mix.

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