The One Ring

BOFA Painting Guides
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Author:  aaronaberdeen [ Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  BOFA Painting Guides

Hi Guys,

Santa has been good to me this year so does anyone have any links to BOFA painting guides? Specifically the armoured mirk wood elves and the lake-town militia? Going to spend a voucher at war hammer world if I know what colours to use!



Author:  warrior of the north [ Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BOFA Painting Guides


I myself painted one warband of militia and nearly two warbands of mirkwood elves check my wip to see how they turned out. For the militia I used random colours since that's just how they look with mostly using red, blue and brown colours. For Mirkwood I do have a strict colour scheme here it is:

the golden armour:

begin with: sycorax bronze
shade with: agrax eartshade
layer with: hashut copper
finaly layer it with ghenna's gold
and for the silver parts on it use runefang steel at the end.

red cloth:

begin with: khorne red (on al the red parts)
shade with: carroburg crimson (on al the red parts)
then for the more darker red parts on the arm shade with nuln oil over it agian to make it dark red/purple and then it is done for that red part.
then paint over the lighter red part khorne red agian
then highlight that part with wazdakka red.

Cape, gloves and boots:
begin with: dryad bark
shade with agrax earthshade
then layer it with dryad bark
go over it with Gorthor Brown
and finaly highlight it with Baneblade brown

the bows, arrows and spear:

begin with baneblade brown
layer with karak stone
highlight ushabti bone

his thing over its pants I dont know it's name :P

begin with caliban green
shade agrax earthshade
layer gorthor brown

I believe thats it for mirkwood

here are some colour schemes for the lake-town militia:


begin with dawnstone
then layer that withadministratum grey
and layer that agian withfenrisian grey
shade drakenhof nightshade
highlight with fenrisian grey


start with dryad bark
then use the nuln oil shade
layer with dryad bark and highlight with gorthor brown


begin with khorne red
then shade it with carroburg chrimson
layer with khorne red
and finnaly highlight with wazdakka red

I hope you now have a bit of an idea of how it looks like a bit and enjoy your awesome BOFA mini's!

Author:  aaronaberdeen [ Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BOFA Painting Guides

Oh wow thanks very much! Much more in depth than I had hoped for which is great! Altho what I thought was going to be 5 paints is looking more like 20!!

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BOFA Painting Guides

For Mirkwood I use a variation of these colours for all my miniatures, that way the army has a sort of fluidity between the different units. Especially when considering that the Rangers, Palace Guard and BOFA warriors all have very different looks. A little colour theory goes a long way to connecting these separate entities.

Metals =
Base = Auric Armour Gold + Doombull Brown (1:1).
Layer = Auric Armour Gold.
Wash = Loren Forest + Nuln Oil (1:1).
Highlight = Runelord Brass.
Edge-highlight = Runefang Steel.

Dark Green =
Base = Caliban Green.
Wash = Nuln Oil.
Highlight = Caliban Green.
Edge-highlight = Loren Forest.

Woodland Green =
Base = Castellan Green.
Wash = Nuln Oil.
Highlight = Straken Green + Castellan Green (1:1).
Edge-highlight = Straken Green.

Dark Brown=
Base = Dryad Bark + Gorthor Brown (1:1).
Wash = Agrax Earthshade + Nuln Oil (1:1).
Highlight = Gorthor Brown.

Woodland Brown=
Base = Doombull Brown.
Wash = Nuln Oil.
Highlight = Doombull Brown + Gorthor Brown (1:1).
Edge-highlight = Doombull Brown + Gorthor Brown + Iyanden Darksun (1:1:1).

Leather Brown=
Base = Khorne Red + Dryad Bark (1:2).
Wash = Nuln Oil.
Highlight = Doombull Brown.
Edge-highlight = Doombull Brown + Skrag Brown (1:1).

Beige Fabric=
Base = Karak Stone.
Wash = Agrax Earthshade.
Layer = Karak Stone.
Highlight = Karak Stone + Administratum Grey (1:1).
Edge-highlight = Ushabti Bone + Administratum Grey (1:1).

As yet, I'm not aware of any painting guides for the BOFA releases, but I hope this helps.

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