The One Ring |
Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
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Author: | emre43 [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Question in the title really. Is it likely that Games Workshop will ever create miniatures of the likes of Dain and Bain? They were the two characters I was most excited for from TBoFA. |
Author: | Aulë, the Valar [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:40 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I honestly hope so... Dain and his war pig ![]() |
Author: | Aulë, the Valar [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:40 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Oh, and the dwarves mounted on goats... |
Author: | Sithious [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
It would be great to see Dain and any iron hills dwarves. Not too sure on goats as the only real good shots of dwarves on goats is Thorin, Kili, Fili and Dwalin whom I would not want goat mounted versions of unless there were goat mounted troops to lead, and that is where my doubts come in to play. The Siege bows that were also shown in trailers would be great to see, but since they were not in the film and will not fit in any extended scenes at this point either, I would call that a wash too. I have no doubts that GW sculpted Goat riders and the siege bow, and probably dain too, but that was before the movie was changed (we can tell by the trailer release that much changed last minute to exclude those goats and the awesome volley shot). And the cart that was drawn by goats that was being chased on the ice by wargs, I am guessing that cart sculpt is thrown in the bin too. If I was GW I would be very upset with this whole mess that they are taking all the blame for from fans by not supplying. Add o this list, elves with actual spears. Dwarves with pikes. The many various orcs, trolls and bats. And if they could be troubled, the Gundabad orc Captain that has the half sun helmet looked way better than anything GW has made so far for Gundabads. |
Author: | Aulë, the Valar [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I don't think they are movie changes Sithious... I believe they'll be in the extended edition... Remember Thrain in dol guldur in the DOS trailer? It only appeared in the extended, and we still have the miniature ![]() |
Author: | Sithious [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:00 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Hope you are right Aule. I have the film on my laptop and watch it often and I cannot see anywhere that the cart scene will fit, nor the Cavalry charge unless it was not a charge at all but just showing them on their way (or perhaps it is actually a charge into the second army that the eagles and beorn demolish as we don't see anything of them after). I also cannot see where any volley will fit in this film either without changing what they already did for the battle (no reason for a shield wall or elven pause to engage if they already were sending arrows into the force). But I hope you are right, but somehow don't see any of it coming. |
Author: | Aulë, the Valar [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Lets hope I'm right ![]() |
Author: | Draugluin [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I doubt they would just throw out sculpts. Unless their contract requires that they can only release stuff from the movies, I don't see why they wouldn't make some goat riders, considering how prominent they were in the trailers. |
Author: | ak150884 [ Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I was hoping to find this thread here and luckily it was created just today ![]() Allright, before I give you my thoughts on the subject at hand, here is what I think about the whole range of stuff that they have done: Blisters of 3 troop warriors - really?! I don't think so! No way I'm paying 65 quid for a single warband of say, Laketown Militia. I'm just gonna use Warriors of Dale instead for the purpose of reconstructing that scenario for BOFA. Same with elves - just use the Palace Guards instead, while you can purchase just one blister of bowmen and maybe remove one of the regular guys from the warband to make them all fit perfectly into it. It's not the best, but definitely better value for money if you ask me. Gundabad orcs? No problem - convert your Uruks and use their resin swordsmen as captains instead! Thats what I'm doing right now ![]() Now, on the subject of new releases: In my opinion, here is what I feel we should get to make the whole thing more complete: - Dain foot (no helmet) and mounted on a piggy (wearing a helmet) - Bain, with a sword as well. Would look cool to have him and Bard fight a longside. He could also be made an independent character, since he is still a kid and cannot lead any tropps at this point yet. - The 9 in their shade/spirit form like in the film, those looked so nice and beutiful and also distantly resemble the figures we know so well. Would look fantastic! - Gundabad Orc Captain with a halberd and a half sun helmet. The halberd can use same rules as Easterling Halberd aka Elven Blade. - Orc Berserkers/ Gundabad Berserkers. Remeber those orc dudes wearing some armour and fluffy cloaks? Also mainly using 2-handed clubs, swords and sword-axes? To refresh your memory - one attacked Thorin when he was lying at the edge of a frozen waterfall and he stabbed him with the remains of his sword, the 2nd one attacked him with a sword-axe/sword-pick and was slain by Legolas who thrown the Orcrist at him. Before that, we see a whole bunch of them going for Thorin and wielding exact same big clubs with long spikes as the one used in Bolg's original design (now used as Gundabad Orc General) and others wield the 2nd movie version of Bolg's cleaver, that he had in DoS (Desolation of Smaug). A set of 12 of those guys with either the new profiles or at least same profiles as Uruk Hai Berserkers would be a great addition! - Gundabad Orc General model needs to have rules for it, otherwise it a waste of a very nice model that nobody will purchase for any reason other than just use as alternative design for Bolg. But that way you could have both Bolg and this dude if the rules for him were made, or you could use him as a generic leader of the force if you are playing a custom scenario without any particular named heroes. - Catapult Trolls. Those would make a great plastic kit with variations! - Battle Trolls. Should I even bother explaining? I think you get the idea ![]() - Ironhill Dwarfs. Pikemen and swordsmen would be nice, as we already have warriors of erebor with axes and grim hammers with pick hammers. So having an infantry with short dwarven versions of a Gladius, Falcata or a Machette/Scimitar would be really cool. Here are some reference images: look at the guy on the left: - Half Trolls/Ogres. Could easily go as halftrolls and use same profile as Harad halftrolls. - Bats. That would be pretty nice as a more numerous counter unit against eagles for example, making up their lesser strength in numbers. - Thranduil on Elk. Even if the model never gets made, at least introduce new rules in either White Dwarf or a PDF file, so that people can try converting him and actually use it. So, all of this is nice, but of course for me it's Dain i'm most worried about. If he never gets released, then we all gonna gang up on them and "give those (Oooh, naughty word) a good hammerin'!" (c) Dain Ironfoot, BOFA ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Dr Grant [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I don't think we'll get any more models but think that the reason is the opposite one to Sithious. I don't think they've been sculpted and scrapped because they weren't in the film, I think they were added to the film after GW had stopped sculpting for the range. It's quite clear that GW scaled back their production of SBG after the first Hobbit movie (compare the amount released for AUJ to DOS/BOTFA, not to mention the plastic:finecast ratio). The BOTFA elves, Champions of Erebor dwarves, Laketown Militia etc. could all have been sculpted in 2011/2012 alongside the first wave of releases, this would certainly explain the discrepancies between the models and the movies (Thranduil on horse, the BOFA dwarves being in their regal armour, not their battle gear). The only releases from the entire Hobbit SBG range that need to have been sculpted from 2013 onwards are Azog, new Bolg and Smaug, a clear sign of reduced resource input from GW. These models (Thranduil on horse and the armoured dwarves) being released clearly shows that GW does not throw out sculpts that aren't relevant to the theatrical movie, as does the DOS release of Thrain the Broken and the original Bolg sculpt. If they had sculpted the ram-riders, ballista, chariot Dain etc. then I have no doubt that they would have released them. Instead, I think that all of the missing models were digital additions made throughout 2013 and possibly way into 2014 (the first BOFA trailer from July had Azog unarmoured and with his claw) and so GW just never had the time/inclination to sculpt them. So yes, unfortunately I don't think we'll be seeing the models for those guys, I hope I'm wrong though. To be honest I'm far more interested in why the ballista, ram-riders, chariot etc. didn't make it into the theatrical version given that they featured so prominently in the trailer release only 6 months earlier. As for where they fit into the battle, there's some really good clues in the latest WETA chronicles book. Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili were meant to ride the chariot throe battle towards Ravenhill, when they got to the base of the tower they would cut the rams free and ride them the rest of the way up - Interesting stuff. Clearly the battle was given a major rethink in the second half of 2014 but I think that many of the missing trailer elements will be edited back in for the extended edition. We shall see though. |
Author: | emre43 [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Is it worth me sending an email to enquire about whether I should expect any more Hobbit releases? |
Author: | Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:50 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Whatever you think of the actual movies, it is clear that the process of making them has been an absolute mess. Based on stills and trailers, some changes in the design and story will have been made just months before release. With that in mind, GW would either have been too late to produce figures to fit these changes, or they would only have started them late, meaning they could - at their earliest - only be released a few months from now perhaps. Don't get your hopes up though. What surprises me (aside from the vastness of the aforementioned mess), is that we have seen the release of various models not in the movie, or not in the theatrical edition of the film. Whether the design was changed or not (which hasn't stopped other releases), Dain on boar has been planned for a long time. I think it was already mentioned by Billy Connolly (guy playing Dain) that he'd arrive on something like that in an interview before the first movie was released - so it's hardly a recent idea. Indeed. Even with my low pace of work, I could have finished a sculpt in the meantime. ![]() emre43 wrote: Is it worth me sending an email to enquire about whether I should expect any more Hobbit releases? Don't expect much, but given the little effort in sending a mail, you could always give it a shot.
Author: | ak150884 [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Dain was known to be in the films anyway, so why he was not made yet is a mystery to me, considering how many people also really want that model. In fact, he is the only key character that I am missing for my Battle of Dale and BOFA scenarios. |
Author: | SouthernDunedain [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
ak150884 wrote: Dain was known to be in the films anyway, so why he was not made yet is a mystery to me, considering how many people also really want that model. In fact, he is the only key character that I am missing for my Battle of Dale and BOFA scenarios. But his final design was not. Given the amount of times PJ & co changed Azog it wouldn't surprise me if when GW got wind of Dain's ever changing design they went F*** it and decided to either A) wait for the movie to come out and sculpt from that or B) throw in the towel. |
Author: | Moj [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
I do hope we get to see Dain and the Ironhill Dwarves. and we need mounted dwarves! where's it at, GW?! on a similar note, the minis at GW isn't quite matching the movies, did anyone notice? there's Thrandy on a horse - wait, wasn't it supposed to be an elk? there's Bard aiming the Windlance - wasn't in the movie. what the junk is happening? |
Author: | SouthernDunedain [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Moj wrote: what the junk is happening? See Dr Grant's post a few posts up ![]() |
Author: | Draugluin [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Dain's Boar's design was changed from being a wild boar to a domesticated boar. I don't know how recently, but the WETA designs show it. Wild boars are huge and have very different heads and are actually believable to ride one into battle. |
Author: | Grungehog [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
As with Azog after the first film, I wouldn't hold my breath until Aug 2015, I expect that is when there will be new models/ new profiles |
Author: | Moj [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:30 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
What?! Possibly no more models?! Gods, no!!! *sigh* I guess it is possible given the lack of support for the hobbit. I'm still hoping and checking the website every week, but damn. No new minis for ages. |
Author: | ak150884 [ Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Will we ever get Dain, Bain and others? |
Well, the Bluray is out next week I think, so that could be a time to release or at least preview something. But if not that - then when the Extended Edition is released. Even if they are dropping this line, it would still make a lot more sense to complete the whole thing and see it to the end on the major points (like Dain and Ironhill Dwarves) and then just let it be. That way it is safe to say that you pretty much have every character for all scenarios. Fingers crossed! |
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