stop! you may not want to know what is coming
SPOILER ALERTEach of the LotR films had a related started box. But for reasons that we may speculate upon from now until the Sun goes out, just because forces were in one of the films did not mean we saw them facing off against their usual opponents. Let's remind ourselves:
FotR: Numenorean (2nd Age Gondor) & High Elves versus Moria Goblins.
TTT: Uruk-hai versus Riders of Rohan.
RotK: Mordor Orcs versus Warriors of Minas Tirith, some plastic scenery.
So at least the second and third box featured forces that actually fought one another in the film (and book). The first one - I get the sense that it was a bit of a bodge, as the 2nd Age was relegated to a brief segment at the start, and the next major engagement was with the Moria goblins. Neither GW nor New Line wanted the uruks to feature too prominently in the first cycle of the game as they were destined for centre stage in year 2.
Now, to The Hobbit:
AUJ: Misty Mountain Goblins versus Gandalf, Thorin & Company
TDOS:this could go a number of ways, depending on what the game plan is for the final set or associated releases in either year.
What forces are in the film - Thorin & Company again, Mirkwood Elves in light armour, giant spiders, Hunter Orcs, Men of Esgaroth (basically Dale on Water) and we know Gandalf enters Dol Guldur. Whether the Necromancer thread of the tale is resolved in film 2 is uncertain but I suspect not - I think that is reserved for the start of film 3. So my guess for the forces in the box? Mirkwood Elves versus a mixed force of plastic spiders and feral orcs that may be associated with Dol Guldur
On a side note, I reckon Smaug gets his comeuppance as the climax of this film.
TABA:This is where it all gets a bit complicated

The Battle of the Five Armies sees Goblins/Orcs/Wargs/Bats versus Mirkwood Elves (presumably in the heavier armour seen at the start of AUJ), Iron Hills dwarves (led ironically by The Big Yin), and Men of Esgaroth.
So my guess here is either the heavily armoured Elves or the even heavier armoured dwarves versus Gundabad Orcs. I am speculating that these my be bigger than most orcs though not giants like Azog, but still, they will be formidable opponents.
I'll stop now - I have bored you all enough with my positive thinking...