Well folks, yesterday I bought the WD for February and I would like to share some information with you guys.
It included:
-a big introduction to lord of the rings
-a list of all the new mini's
-a introduction on the new rules
-2 battle reports using the new rules
-an introduction to each sourcebook with example armys
-a painting guide on easterlings
-and scattered trough all these articles are the profile's of three of the new mini's
big intro on lotr:not much to say about; just a chunk of tekst for beginners
list of all the new mini'sthis included big picture's and blocks of tekst on the new mini's that you have already seen
in the 'new releases' topic. what we didn't know about is that there are two new good miniature's:
the king's huntmen (looks like a rohan captain with a big bow) and t
he knight of the white tower(a guy with an enormous sword). These are packaged in the command boxes for rohan and gondor.
intro to the new rulesNow this was quite a shock for me. They will be dropping the hole LOME system for a completely new
way of building army's: war bands... They didn't give the precise rules but noted that your army must be
build out of 'war bands' : one hero and up to twelve warriors. Witch means much more hero's and much less warriors.
This will of course completely throw off all are former tactics on building army's!
As for that, there will also be six new scenario's replacing the twelve LOME scenario's.
These new scenario's will be in each of the new source books.
two battle reports using the new mini'sThe first one was the hole fellowship versus the watcher itw, groblog (the new goblin king), 2 warg marauders, a cave troll and a bunch of goblins.
They gave you the profile of the watcher, but not on the other new mini's that were used.
The second battle was gondor (using the new 'knight of the white tower') versus Easterlings and agreat beast of gorgoroth.
I didn't take the time to read it completely.
intro to the source books and example army'sJust blocks of tekst on each source book. The example army's were Devlan Mud like usually, for example: a moria goblin army with 30 units, a galadrim army with a horn and a banner.
a painting guide on easterlingsthis was actually quite a good painting guide with lots of detail.
three profile's scattered trough all the articles To the moderators: if I say anything illegal, please warn me so that I can change it.
I'll do my best to describe the profile's legally.
wather in the water: costs the same as a dragon, five of its characteristic profile's are: 6, it walks at the speed of a hobbit but has a rule that it can appear any ware on the bord.
great beast of gorgoroth: is practically a baby mumak: it does almost the same thing (but on a smaller scale), it costs about half of a mumak.
Knight of the white tower: A kind of minis tirith capain (same price) but one less might, higher fight, two handed weapon and the same rule that thryden wolfsbane has.
Well this is what was inside WD 386, hope you enjoyed. I'm interested in your comments, especially on the new rules.