Probably watched this trailer one too many times

definitely made my day! The battle itself is going to be epic! Mostly looking forward to the Dol Guldur scenes with Saruman challenging Sauron (Christopher Lee has already confirmed that this is Saruman the good and wise so should be intriguing) Galadriel with Gandalf, Elrond looking like a boss and the Nine Wraiths all sent shivers down my spine. Aside from all that it looks like this is going to be a far more emotional movie than the previous two. If this film delivers like the trailer has promised then the whole trilogy might have an entirely different feel to it. Can't wait!
As for the miniatures lets just hope GW has made them all. Lots to look forward to...
Smaug with Laketown Scenery?
Sauron in Necromancer form?
The Nine in twilight form
White Council at Dol Guldur with Wounded Gandalf?
Swarm of Bats
Thorins Company in Battle Armour
Dwarf Wind Lance with Black Arrow?
Troll with catapult
Troll without catapult
Half Troll (only just noticed the one standing in front of the catapult Trolls in the trailer)
Dain Ironfoot ft and Mtd on Boar
Dwarf Warriors of the Iron Hills
Dwarf Warriors of the Iron Hills Mounted on Armored Rams
Dwarf Ballista (from trailer)?
Bard, Lord of Dale
Men of Dale/Laketown
Azog Armored
Plastic Gundabad Orcs
Plastic Gundabad Orcs on Wargs Armored
Finecast Gundabad Great Orcs (from the trailer)?
Thranduil ft and mtd on Elk
Warriors of Mirkwood
Balin in his cart pulled by Rams
Would be brilliant if all of these were realeased.