I love this new trailer! The Elves look great!
My take on the PJ approach to these movies is one of a realist. He is a movie director whose prime focus needs to be to bring people into cinemas to view the movies. That means getting people who have read the books and the MANY who haven't, into the cinemas. That's why the films look like they do and why the action sequences are over the top and why certain changes have to be made. He needs to recoup the big budgets and make lots of money for New Line cinema!!!
How many films out there EVER replicate the novel from which they are taken? VERY few... Does this automatically mean that they are poor? No... Does it automatically mean that they are good? No. The film makers do what they think will work best to make the story translate from book to screen. To me, most of what PJ does works really well. I love the books and I love the films thus far. Most people seem to agree, judging by the popularity of the franchise thus far!
This trailer makes me think I'll really enjoy this one too. I really enjoy anything related to the Elves so the parts relating to Thranduil, etc, in this will, I'm sure, be right up my alley!! Bring on the release date!!! (And bring on the Elf models to accompany it as well!!)

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