I dont think it's anything to do with licensing, it's simply down to GWs release schedule. GW Sculpt all their SBG figs from the concept artwork that's created months/years in advance of the films being released not from an early edit of the film. You can see this most clearly in the Hobbit range in the Trolls and the Goblin King, people have said their faces don't look like they do in the movie but the models look EXACTLY like the concept art in the Chronicles book, which is what the sculptors were working from. Then, late in the day, the trolls and the goblin king's faces were animated from mo-cap which the sculptors wouldn't have access to, explaining the difference in appearance.
Similarly, Azog was a digital creation late in the day so GW would have been far behind on that one and it's perfectly possible that the first they saw of him was when the movie was released. There's precedent for this, as Gene pointed out the Fell Beast was released in the middle of the year and the rules weren't in the Two Towers rulebook. I remember the LOTR editorial that month explainging that the reason was that GW didn't know Fell Beasts were going to be in the film until they saw it in cinemas! Clearly New Line/WB still want to keep some of the big creatures under wraps.
So assuming GW only saw the final Azog design around Decmeber it's really not unreasonable for him to have not been released yet. I dont know what the GW production scehdule is like and how long things take but lets assume the sculptors were immediately free to start work on the sculpt, creating a figure like that from scratch, getting it approved, painted, photographed and packaged must take t least three months I'd guess. When you then consider that White Dwarf is produced around 3 months in advance then June is really the very earliest we could have seen the new look Azog released and July/August and even later isn't that unlikely.
All that said though I'm itching to see what they've come up with, I don't know why but I think the Azog figure is going to absolutely superb, really can't wait

Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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