I think this might just fit into the News section and it might just grab a bit more attention that in the tournaments/events forum.
As some of you may or may not know, since the beginning of this year in the UK a group of people came together and agreed to start organizing events in different parts of the country. After a while, upon agreeing with the GW Events team that we can use their results within the league I am proud to announce that last weekend we had our 7th event this year (5th independent) and so far across the vents 77 different people attended.
It wasn't easy, as the independent events ranged from anything between 8 to 27 players, but slowly we managed to grow a Facebook group and spread the news to many Hobbit players around.
To summarize the events so far, we have had (in addition to Throne of Skulls and Doubles):
- Close Encounters of the 3rd Age, March - London - 300pts, 1-army, 1-day event attended by 20
- Grand Hobbit Championships, April - Stockport - 1000pts, 2 armies, 2 day event attended by 10
- East Grinstead Wargames, June - East Grinstead - 750pts, 1 army, 1 day event attended by 14
- Grand Hobbits Defense, July - Stockport - 600pts, 2 armies, 2 days attended by 8
- The Longbottom Carnival, August - London, 750pts, 1 army, 2 days attended by 26
But fear not as you still have chance to attend and claim your fame! There are still 2 events planned for this year - Preston on 26/27 October and Stirling 30 November / 1st December. After that another event at the beginning of the year will probably close the first season on 10 tournaments.
Below some photographs to encourage everybody in the UK to join the league.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended, organized or helped with the league. You're all awesome.
Facebook Group Click HereCurrent Ranking Click Here

Photos by members of the FB group. 100+ more to see.