Lord Hurin, you didn't offend me in the slightest. Your remark re lack of self control & unecessary purchases was just somewhat applicable to me.
I once bought a Balin & Khazad Guard box thinking it would be the start of a brand new Dwarf army (my 5th at the time, considering I inherited my brothers Isengard Uruk Hai and Rohirrim when he lost interest). I painted them twice then gave up and reundercoated them black, and never used them. Fast forward around 8 years, and I got the discontinued Dwarf captain off ebay, again thinking it would be the start of a new Dwarf army. Then I did the math and realised I can't afford an army. (that was a year ago). Maybe in a year...a job would help.
Around 4 years ago, I spent over £60 on plastic warg/riders, mordor orcs, rangers, warriors of minas tirith and knights of minas tirith. To date, I've only completed two of those boxes.
Around 2 years ago, I decided I wanted Shrikes Wing (a lightning claw equipped veteran assault squad), for my Raven Guard Space marine captain kayvaan shrike. For some reason I got the idea that they would look cool with robes. So I got a Dark Angels veterans box (for the robes alone), an Assault Terminator box (for the claws alone, though i then sold the rest of the box) and an assault marine box. Around £60 on 5 models.

And the ironic thing is, now they're finished they look Devlan Mud.
So yeah...when it comes to lack of self control and unneccessary purchases, I am very experienced. Though lately ever since GW hit us with a triple whammy when they switched to Finecast, raised the prices and halved the model count of some boxes, I have mostly controlled myself thanks to my indignation

. Since Finecast I've only bought 3 models, all LotR and all metal. A brush, and a couple of paints. Though I fully expect this will change with the Hobbit if the rumours of a fully plastic first wave are accurate...