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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:00 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Tbh I wear a mask whether Im messing with finecast or resin.
I wash all clothes and models... but that is resin and keep a hoover nearby for a regular dust clean up,

I think this does need more research on GW's part but I disagree with comparing it to tobacco. back then medical and chemical science was in its infancy so they probably didnt know. Now? we test stuff
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:53 pm 
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What a shame, I always wanted to see the finecast version of this mighty beast and..... :( im not pleased, why finecast? they couldnt make this like a mumak kit of plastic? surely much worthy of profit in overall :)

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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:24 pm 

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cereal_theif wrote:
I think this does need more research on GW's part but I disagree with comparing it to tobacco. back then medical and chemical science was in its infancy so they probably didnt know. Now? we test stuff

Seriously: LOL

Its a proven fact that tobacco industry knows since more than 50 years that smoking is dangerous. They even pumped millions in fake scientific studies to "proove" otherwise in order to mislead the public. At the end of the 90s they had to publish a lot of documents due to US court decisions which clearly showed this.

Sorry for being offtopic. On topic its fully unclear if finecast is a health issue. Only independent testing could help in this regard.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:07 am 
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Galanur wrote:
What a shame, I always wanted to see the finecast version of this mighty beast and..... :( im not pleased, why finecast? they couldnt make this like a mumak kit of plastic? surely much worthy of profit in overall :)

The metal molds used for plastic injection are very expensive to have machined, whereas the molds for the metal (and now Finecast) are much cheaper and easier to produce. Thus, GW takes a much smaller risk and has to sell fewer units to break even on non-plastic kits.


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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:00 pm 
Elven Warrior
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My comment about tobacco was about way back when. Not about last week down ASDA or the last 20 years as in case you were unsure tobacco has been imported for a fair bit longer than 50 years.
When they first imported would they have known it was harmful? Would they have bothered to test it? I think not.
GW must have done some research to see if it was harmful... how comprehensive that was we can only speculate.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:40 pm 

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cereal_theif wrote:
My comment about tobacco was about way back when. Not about last week down ASDA or the last 20 years as in case you were unsure tobacco has been imported for a fair bit longer than 50 years.
When they first imported would they have known it was harmful? Would they have bothered to test it? I think not.
GW must have done some research to see if it was harmful... how comprehensive that was we can only speculate.

Uhm, tobacco is around since the indians. Youre comparision is really weak. What GW tested is pure speculation. And more, it is speculation that they would have reacted on any findings.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:24 pm 
Elven Elder
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So how do you know that it's speculation and not based on actual studies?

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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Firstly my comparison is strong because
1) knowledge of cancer is a relatively new problem, (ie we people died, how was about good guessing. Read a text book on medical history please)
2) living long enough not to die of other problems is a relatively new issue
3) smoking enough tobacco to truely see the effects is a new problem (look at the size of old pipes for pipe smoking. The bulb has got larger as tobacco became more easily available)
4) Cars were invented years before "pile ups" happened. The length of time of discovery does not equate to all problems being known or antisipated.
I can go on. Please either use arguements to refute what I say or shhh, because you look rather dumb when you state contradictions followed up with no evidence or arguement.

How does he know Because he knows man, he knows.

Really I find it complete foolishness(note Im not saying you are stupid just your actions) that so many people on the internet jump on GW without knowing any of the details. They make massive assumptions and know so little OR don't actually state their source.

As a multimillion pound minatures company GW will have to guarentee their products. They cannot risk a big court case as that could kill buisness n profit.
They will have done some kind of risk assessment, almost certainly a chemical assessment. Maybe what is in finecast is no more harmful than plastic... maybe you are wrong.
As the products can be sold to kids I would suggest that warning labels would be compulsory if there was a tracy of risk KNOWN to the company. "may contain nuts)
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:58 pm 

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theavenger001 wrote:
King Ondoher wrote:
The whole point of Finecast was to switch from expensive metal to cheaper resin, and what does it do? Raise the prices yet again.

One quick thing.....I always hear this said, that GW switched to resin because resin is cheaper. But didn't they switch to resin because the cost of resin is not constantly going up in price, whereas metal's constantly on the rise? :roll:

Metal is not constantly on the rise. It goes up and down with the economy.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:05 pm 

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cereal_theif wrote:
They make massive assumptions and know so little OR don't actually state their source.

I don't make any assumption. I'm just saying youre speculating. Could say you make "assumptions".

cereal_theif wrote:
As a multimillion pound minatures company GW will have to guarentee their products. They cannot risk a big court case as that could kill buisness n profit.
They will have done some kind of risk assessment, almost certainly a chemical assessment. Maybe what is in finecast is no more harmful than plastic... maybe you are wrong.
As the products can be sold to kids I would suggest that warning labels would be compulsory if there was a tracy of risk KNOWN to the company. "may contain nuts)

Youre speculating. There are many cases where large companies sold dangerous products (youre example cigarettes fits here :) ). That this is in the long run not a good idea didn't hinder them (with cigarettes it worked quite well). Fact is that we just don't know. Finecast could be completely safe or a huge health risk. As long as there is no independent study we don't know.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:58 am 
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Metal is not constantly on the rise. It goes up and down with the economy.

Tin is, overall, because it's running out. The mines in india are often over 1000 metres deep and so hot the miners have to wear heat retardant protective suits so hauling out what little tin ore remains down there is extremely expensive. The mines in the UK ran out years ago.

GW abandoning tin was inevitable.

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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:10 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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My speculation is based on (recently obtained thanks mr internet) information on toys, models and games health and safety rules and a friend who is a factory dude for HQ GW with a key role
but yes it is still speculation, what I am saying is that alot of people are lauding their views as facts rather than opinion.
I would say if any of you have any real reason to suspect finecast is dodgy send your evidence to ofcom or your local MP please

The move from metal was mainly down to the inconsistency in price for metal.
One week it was up next down. AS GW cant stockpile metal too greatly their profit margins were mentally unstable.
A company cannot run on unstable profit margins on a steady priced product. So small increases in price to match fluctuations started. OF COURSE they wont put prices down often, but ACTUALLY THEY DID WITH PLASTICS. So it does happen.

I look forward to this year's annual statement to read how finecast effective profits and losses.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:03 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:10 pm
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Raukov wrote:
Metal is not constantly on the rise. It goes up and down with the economy.

Tin is, overall, because it's running out.

All metall prices went up lately. Its not a tin specialty (and its pure speculation that it is "running out", reserves are safe for the next 20 years and no one knows what amount of new mines will be found). Next recession and it will go down again. However, yes I would speculate that we see overall rising prices for most kinds of ressources in the next decade. Thus, prices for many products will follow.
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 Post subject: Re: Beast of Gorgoroth - ultimate finecast?
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:10 pm
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cereal_theif wrote:
My speculation is based on (recently obtained thanks mr internet) information on toys, models and games health and safety rules

Mind to link them? I know it only for the European Union (including Great Britain) and here the regulations are very weak at the moment (there is a discussion ongoing to tighten this by a lot, right now some amounts of contaminates are allowed to be higher in toys than in care tires...).
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